Selasa, 10 Juli 2018

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The food produced is an important part of modern commercial cultivation, providing the balanced nutrition needed by the cultivated fish. Feed, in the form of granules or pellets, provides nutrients in a stable and concentrated form, allowing fish to feed efficiently and grow to the fullest.

Many more intensive cultivated fish around the world today are carnivores, such as Atlantic salmon, trout, sea bass, and turbot. In the development of modern aquaculture, beginning in the 1970s, fishmeal and fish oil were key components of feed for this species. They are combined with other ingredients such as vegetable protein, cereal grains, vitamins and minerals and formed into feed pellets. Wheat, for example, is widely used because it helps bind ingredients in pellets

Other forms of fish feed used include feeds made entirely with plant-based ingredients for species such as goldfish, moist feeds favored by some species (easier to make but more difficult to store), and trash fish - those fish that are caught and fed directly to larger species raised in aquaculture cages.

Video Commercial fish feed

Feed Hatchery

Custom feeds are produced for fish hatcheries. In species such as salmon and trout, the first feed is freshly hatched from their yolk sac and can then be fed starter. Marine species such as sea bass, sea bream, flounders and turbots consume nutrients in their yolk sac during the first few days after hatching and then fed for several weeks on live prey, in the form of rotifera and brine shrimp (Artemia). Special foods can be used to enrich the nutritional value of the prey. Rotifers are usually bred in hatcheries while saltwater prawns are generally collected from the wild, such as salt lakes. Produced alternative feed for brine shrimp becomes available, offering more consistent nutrition and increased sustainability as demand increases with growing cultivation.

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Development of produced feed

Until the end of World War II most hatchery fish rely on raw meat (horse meat in particular) as a staple food for trout. In the early 1950s, John E. (Red) Hanson, while working for the New Mexico Game and Fish Department, began experimenting with dietary routines and dried pellet formulations. The first fish feed pellets were introduced to the trout hatchery in the Red River Hatchery near Taos. Pellets produce an increase in the conversion rate of food intake for fish production, and in turn leads to wider adoption of fish pellets in hatcheries.

The development of dried pellet fish feed to date has two themes. One of the themes is improving digestibility and improving nutritional balance to suit the needs of different species of fish more precisely at different developmental periods. Another theme is to improve the sustainability of the materials used. This is achieved primarily by identifying sustainable supplemental sources, in particular to reduce the need for fish oil and fish. Increasing the efficiency of feeding also contributes to sustainability.

Fish Feeding - YouTube


Traditionally, the two most important ingredients are fish oil and fish. This mainly comes from the processing of fish from wild catch, usually pelagic species that are generally unsuitable for processing for human consumption. Fish sold for human consumption attract higher prices than those used to make fish meal. Fishmeal fishery is often referred to as reduction fisheries. The world's largest reducing fisheries exist in the Pacific, off the coast of Peru and Chile and governed by the governments of these countries. The North Atlantic is an important source of fish for fishmeal and fish oil. Many major suppliers belong to the Fishmeal Organization and International Fish Oil.

Fish flour is brown, flour-like ingredients are made by specialist manufacturers who cook, press, dry and grind the fish. Fish oil is effectively a byproduct of this process that proves to be a rich source of energy and fatty acids for fish, including the important long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are now linked to the health benefits associated with eating oily fish such as salmon and mackerel. Fish in general is also a good source of many vitamins and minerals and is often recommended as part of a healthy diet by the government food agency.

Since wild fish catch must be managed at an ongoing rate to ensure the stock continues to be viable, fish and fish oil stocks available from these resources will not increase.

Global demand for fish from consumers worldwide increases. The reasons include population growth, increased average income and greater fish awareness as part of a healthy diet. The results of wild catchments can not be improved on an ongoing basis, therefore, in the opinion of observers such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, aquaculture should fill this void. Currently the fish supply from aquaculture is approximately compatible with wild catch, according to FAO figures.

The current impetus in research and development allows this to happen by adding fish oil and fish oil with proteins and vegetable oils, while ensuring fish continue to provide important health benefits to consumers. Other potential raw material resources are also being explored. For example, US biotechnology company BioTork is testing the use of raw materials such as unproduced papaya and by-products from biodiesel production to produce fish feed components, as well as feeding agricultural waste for algae and mushrooms that produce some protein and omega. -3 oil needed for fish food. US biotechnology company Calysta and British/Danish biotechnology company Unibio opened a small factory in the UK and Denmark to produce fish feed from natural gas in 2016.

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Modern fish bait

Modern fish feeds are made by grinding and mixing ingredients such as fishmeal, vegetable protein and binding agents such as wheat. Water is added and the resulting paste is extruded through a hole in the metal plate. The diameter of the hole sets the diameter of the pellets, which can range from less than one millimeter to more than one centimeter. When the feed is extruded, it is cut to form a pellet with the required length. The pellets are dried and oil is added. Adjusting parameters such as temperature and pressure allows the manufacturer to make pellets compatible with different fish cultivation methods, such as floating or sinking feeds slowly and feeds suitable for recirculation systems. Pellet dry feed stable for a relatively long time, for convenient storage and distribution. Bait sent in large quantities, in large bags - usually a ton, or in 25 kilograms of bags. Smaller feeder quantities are provided for use in fish hatcheries. The three major fish feed producers for aquaculture are Biomar, EWOS and Skretting.

Guppy Fish Stock Photos & Guppy Fish Stock Images - Alamy

See also

  • Aquaculture of brine shrimp
  • Aquarium fish bait
  • John Halver - the father of fish nutrition
  • Shrimp mix
  • Skretting Aquaculture Research Center

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Guppy Fish Stock Photos & Guppy Fish Stock Images - Alamy

External links

  • Aquaculture European Aquaculture Producers Aquamedia site

Source of the article : Wikipedia
