The North American Society uses a democratic electoral system to fill the presidency. The only change is the lifting of the ancient Electoral College. There are still senators, congressmen and, in functioning cities, mayors.
Leader: Georges Favreau
Modal: Brussels
Flag: a golden cross sword in a white star circle centered on the blue plane of Switzerland.
The politically and economically united European (EC) community now extends from Ireland to Russia.
The winners of 21st century economic warfare, the powerful EC's strongness in revived medievalism, are reflected in culture, sport, architecture, and in some cases, their attitude towards other Combined. However, they are vulnerable to full-scale military attacks - the reason why the European Commission is closely guarded to defend itself against NAU attacks.
The politically and economically united EC uses a parliamentary system similar to that of the old British Empire. The former member states of the European Commission have elected ministers and various parties reflecting concerns over local trade issues, the size and strength of the Hispanic Combined, and the need for greater presence in space.
New Asia Sphere Co-Prosperity
Leader: Prince Sato Uchida
Capital: Singapore
Flag: five gold stars from the flag of the People's Republic of China currently center on the red circle of the Japanese flag, in a white field surrounded by the I-Ching symbol of the current South Korean flag.
Japan, in an effort to remain competitive with the European Commission, established the New Asia Sphere Co-Prosperity (which includes all countries in the Pacific Rim and East Asia, rescues Australia). The rise of Japan's hegemony in the Pacific quickly pushed other blocks to form a joint.
Regardless of the size of the New Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (NACPS), it failed to compete with the European Commission. In reaction, NACPS has turned in, switched to a new Closed Door policy as faced by Commodore AS Matthew C. Perry in the 19th century.
NACPS is led by Japan, which has completely revived the old Shinto State religion that competes with ancestor worship and royal family rules. Therefore, Prince Uchida serves as the sole head of the vast empire, advocated by representatives from various countries.
Holy Islamic Federation (HIF)
Leader: Mullah Mohammed Zaganada
Capital: Cairo (HQ'd in big gold pyramid).
Flag: a crescent moon and three stars (borrowed from the Royal Egyptian flag 1922-1953) centered on Ghana's current flaglines.
The Mid-east Islamic countries form the Holy Islamic Federation (HIF) and, using oil as leverage, try to be a great power. But the passage of internal combustion engines weakens their efforts.
The geographic area of ââHIF includes all of Africa under very loose HIF control. The increase of rain to dry areas due to climate change and regional weather modification has led to the greening of the Sahara and the growing agriculture in the region. HIF is now supplying common and exotic fruits - including genetically altered fruits - into the rich world.
The Holy Islamic Federation is a strict and fundamentalist theocracy. HIF trade is free with others, but considers them to be infidels. Zaganada let his Combine be worried between careful acceptance and war-like paranoia. Other affiliations give the HIF a wide berth.
Hispanic Commonwealth (HC)
Leader: General Antonio Rodriguez, Jorge Diaz
Capital: Bogotá (in the building modeled on the Maya pyramid)
Flag: the face of the sun (borrowed from the current flag of either Uruguay or Argentina) centered on the green field of the Brazilian flag.
The Hispanic Commonwealth (HC) is built on the strength, money, and strength of the MedellÃÆ'n Cartel that unites the Central American and Southern republics into a powerful economic unit. But as drug use becomes decriminalized worldwide, the center of power shifts from MedellÃÆ'n. In what many consider to be an overreaction, HC is now the only one to join the punishment for drug abuse.
One of the main tasks set by HC for itself is the reforestation of the Amazon basin.
The Hispanic Commonwealth is a dictatorship - in other words, the Commonwealth does what their Leaders say, headed by General Rodriguez. Despite this fact, Rodriguez is loved and admired by many members of HC for the prosperity they currently enjoy. Such loyalty and financial success would persuade him to try to impose additional fees on all HC goods and services - even 'taxes' for air generated by large forests. Rodriguez's efforts against global warming will fail.
Fort Israel (FI)
Leader: Prime Minister Yakov Kanter (played by actor Ethan Herschenfeld)
Capital: Jerusalem
Israel was not invited to HIF and became increasingly isolated from the rest of the combined economy. After a number of small battles with neighbors, Israel is referred to as the 'Israel Fortress' (FI) - small, but determined, armed with new laser-based Missile Defense gear and Armed Floater Station guarding its borders. This is a very dangerous place to live - unless someone has been fighting here for a long time for the Israelites.
The Israeli government remains as it is today, with parliamentary structures being transformed by extraordinary forces protected by the military chief. It is possible that the dramatic movement by the Israeli prime minister against HIF could lead to peace.
The overcrowded and starving Indian sub-continent also remains uneven. There is no combination that wants India to be a part of it, and therefore isolated, sporadically assisted by Combines and idealists who are touched by the enormity of human misery.
Director: Barton Poole
Home office: Geneva (CenBank headquarters floats above Lake Geneva)
Each of the five major World Economic Combinations of the 22nd century has its own currency. Years ago they assembled and established CenBank - the Central Bank - to act as a clearing-house for all economic transactions between the superpowers and as an arbiter of economic disputes. CenBank sets all currency rates.
Over the years, CenBank, also known as CB, has spread its tentacles and tried to insinuate them into internal finance each incorporating, offering to take responsibility for the money supply, interest rates, credit records, etc. Through this gradually, the dangerous process, CenBank has generated varying degrees of influence in each compound. CenBank aspires to be the sixth - and most powerful, economic mix. Tail longs to wag the dog.
Although nobody says it openly, all world leaders are wary of CenBank and keep a close watch on it. Only the Privacy Party declares itself anti-CenBank.
One of the ongoing CB projects is to fully concentrate individual credits in each combination. It has been quite successful in NACPS and HC, but has met with rigid resistance in EC and NAU.
To achieve this goal, CenBank introduced the "Credit Chip". Credit Chip is a micro-processor grown in the flesh of the left fifth digit. It connects electronically to individual CenBank credit accounts. Individual employers make direct deposits into accounts at CenBank. A purchase by entering pinky into the slot and the purchase price is withdrawn immediately from the connected account and transferred to the seller's account.
Credit Chip has been caught, but has serious consequences in terms of privacy because CenBank then has a record of every purchase made by an individual: every book purchased, every virtual reality program hired, every where traveling, every food eaten. This is analogous to having a corporate video recording of every movement made. It is feared that CenBank sells information from its individual data cache back to the participating governments and their intelligence services. Of course, wherever the system is in place, the black market is growing on the basis of barter and hard currency results.
In 2142, at the instigation of CenBank, the Identity Chip, which the Chip of Credit considered extreme, has become mandatory in the NAU.
CenBank's program did not go unnoticed. Up there is a Privacy Party, but there is also an underground movement. The radical privatists want CenBank dismantled and do not hesitate to use violent means - sabotage and even terrorism - to make their point and draw attention to the potential abuse of CenBank's growing data cache.
But there is something else going on in CenBank. The board of directors does not seem to be fully in control of the company. Decisions are made, plans are executed without their authorization. Some people think there may be an artificial intelligence program (AI) located at the heart of the board of the great mother of CB. CenBank's actions should be observed.
Population control
The population of 2142 is about 15 billion people. The integration of advanced technologies has implemented rigid population control measures. Reproduction is limited to self-substitution, for example, one child per person. This is called "The One Life/One Birth Law". Theoretically this will stabilize the population, but in fact it reduces it through the premature death of the child or the premature death of an adult before he has been reproduced. This will guarantee a gradual decline in the population. But it also requires compulsory sterilization as soon as the spring is allowed to be born. Citizens who exceed the One Life/One Birth limit will be forcibly sterilized and risk having all the confiscated assets to support additional children.
Of course there is opposition to this. Some people who disagree are the pope's wing of the Catholic Church, the various sects of the surviving Hasid, and the secular member of the Arbitrary Aristocratic movement.
The One Life/One Birth Law is probably the most controversial - and population - cost - in history.
In the world of 2142, the global population totals fifteen billion, fertile soils are scarce and there are many shortcomings and some severe famine. HC and HIF have become world breadbaskets, but they can not provide nearly enough.
One of the most practical solutions is TFP - textured mushroom protein - grown in large underground casks (no light required) by Yamagata method. TFP is a balanced source of protein and complex carbohydrates balanced, enriched with essential amino acids, and can be shaped, textured, colored, and spiced into a reasonable facet of tomatoes, steak, potatoes, linguine, broccoli, etc. (The meat is more real than vegetables.) But most people agree it's not the same.
People survive in TFP but never miss an opportunity to grow their own vegetables. That's why every roof is a garden, and outside every window with a bright exposure hangs a box-window that grows vegetables. During the growing season, the southern flanks of most dwellings are decorated with window gardens, like the hanging Babylon gardens. What is not eaten can be exchanged on the credit-free black market.
Since most anti-drug laws were abolished a century ago (except in HCs that still restrict their use), recreational drug use is now quite common. The use of opiates jumped instantly after legalization, then dropped drastically. When prices fall, so does production. Nothing pushed it because of low profit margins. In addition, new designer drugs with much higher mark-ups are developing at all times. There is no intravenous injection, as most drugs are administered nasally by steam or spray, or intradermally through patches.
Some bestsellers:
- Osovirtuoso - One of the most popular perception enhancement drugs used during virtual reality trips.
- Ecstaphoria - the most popular endorphomimetic.
- HHELL - A famous hallucinogenic horror. This dose is the 22nd century equivalent of a bridge locking, as HHELL names.
Genetic engineering
The manipulation of DNA in 2142 is pretty much everywhere. The technique of purifying medical DNA has allowed mankind to break away from a once cruel and sometimes fatal bloodline disease such as Marfan Syndrome, Down syndrome and Muscular Dystrophy that create areas in a world where the disease is completely extinct. The DNA changes of simple racial and physical features are also very common, allowing you to manipulate your skin tone, eye color, breast size and more without surgery. Cloning is an acceptable practice for creating extinct animals and humans for various desires from the subtle to the luxurious. The latest mode change is NANO-BIOMORPHING (NBR) which can transform individuals into life forms or completely different objects if desired. NBR uses a nano-biochip circuit to alter the body's organs system at the cellular level, pick up existing meat and sculpt it into new shapes like made of clay. The only concern is maintaining the blood supply to these newly formed tissues, besides the users are only limited by their imagination.
Costello's daughter, Nora Costello, appeared in an episode when Keva Handley, a naughty boy, was arrested for genetically transforming her younger brother into a puff-rock lizard.
See also
Source of the article : Wikipedia