Parenting Attachment is a nurturing philosophy that proposes methods aimed at promoting mother and infant attachment not only with maximal empathy and maternal responsiveness but also by constant physical proximity. and touch. The term parenting attachment was created by American pediatrician William Sears.
In the sociology of the family, parenting attachment is considered the most striking manifestation of intensive mothering or New Momism. The doctrine has been the target of criticism from a number of opponents.
Video Attachment parenting
Attachment attachment is just one of many care-oriented, care-oriented philosophies that enter the pedagogical mainstream after World War II, and it owes much of its ideas to older teachings, such as the influential Benjamin Spock handbook. Child Care i> (1946). Spock has a mother who is advised to raise their babies according to their own common sense and with many physical contacts - guidelines that are radically broken with previous doctrines of L. Emmett Holt and John B. Watson; the book became a bestseller, and Spock's new parenting concept greatly influenced postwar education.
Thirty years later, Jean Liedloff caused a stir by the "continuum concept" he presented to the public in a book of the same title (1975). In Venezuela, Liedhoff has studied the Ye'kuana people, and then he recommends to Western mothers to breastfeed and wear their babies and share their beds with them. He argues that infants, speaking in terms of evolution, have not yet arrived in modernity, so the way children care today - with bottle feeding, the use of cribs and strollers, etc. - did not meet their needs. Later, writers like Sharon Heller and Meredith Small contribute further to ethnopediatric insights.
In 1984, developmental psychologist Aletha Solter published his book The Aware Baby about a nurturing philosophy that supports attachment, extended breastfeeding and no abstinence from punishment, just as William Sears later wrote; However, the point Solter emphasizes most is the encouragement of the child's emotional expression to heal stress and trauma.
In the 1990s, T. Berry Brazelton corroborated the discussion. He contributed new research on the capacity of newborns to express themselves and their emotions, alert parents to these signals, and encourage them - just like Spock - to follow their own judgments.
William Sears came to the term "parenting attachment" in 1982 by reading Liedloff. Initially, he referred to his new philosophy as a "new continuum concept" and "immersion immersion". When he published his book Creative Care in 1982, this concept has largely been described. The "7 Baby-Bs" are not explicitly presented as canons, but as the basic elements of their new parenting philosophy are evident even at a starting point. In 1985, William Sears and his wife Martha Sears began to relate the concept of - ex post - to the theory of attachment they began to recognize at the time. From then on, they used the term "parenting attachment".
[...] I realize that we need to change the term to something more positive, so we use AP, because the Attachment Theory literature has been well researched and documented by John Bowlby and others.
In 1993, William Sears and Martha Sears published The Baby Book which became the first comprehensive manual for the AP-parents and sometimes referred to as "companion parenting". The first attachment parenting organization, Attachment Parenting International , was formed in 1994 in Alpharetta, Georgia and founded by Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson. The first book that carries the term parenting attachment in the title was written by Tammy Frissell-Deppe, a mother who gave an explanation of her personal experiences and those of her friends and acquaintances. In 1999, Katie Allison Granju's blogger followed up with another book, which William Sears contributed the introduction, before he, along with Martha Sears, published his own The Attachment Parenting Book in 2001. The three books are standing - with their opposition to rough behavioralistic infant anthropology - in the Spock tradition, but radicalizing contingent-oriented parent concepts on the one hand, and incorporating Liedloff's idea of ​​instinct guided by instinct. "natural" child rearing on the other side.
In the same year Sears and Sears' Parenting Book Appendix , Jan Hunt publishes his collection of essays The Natural Child. Care of the Heart . The hunter who sees himself as a child advocate, campaigns in this book not only for parenting attachments, but also for not attending school. The newer AP supporters are Parenting Advisor Naomi Aldort, who published her book Raising Our Children, Raising Ourself in 2006.
Maps Attachment parenting
In practice
As before the founders of the theory of attachment, especially Mary Ainsworth, William Sears teaches that strong mother-child attachment arises from the possibility of the emotional adjustment of mother and child, which is again based on the mother's sensitivity. Since the mother "reads" her baby's signal, Sears speaks in the context of "babyreading". Another metaphor he uses is "in the groove".
The 7 Baby Bs
William Sears strongly believes in the existence of child-rearing practices that support "babyreading" and that increase mother's sensitivity. The attachment parenting method includes seven practices of resp. a principle that Sears characterized as a "synergistic" ensemble and based on the child's "biological needs". Sears refers to those principles as "7 Baby Bs":
- Birth bond
- Breastfeeding
- Babies wear
- Bed near baby
- Believe in your baby's crying language
- Beware of baby trainers
- Balance
Until 1999, Sears only named five Babies B. The latter two were only added in 2001 with the publication of the Parenting Book Appendix .
Birth bond
William Sears postulates the existence of a short time slot soon after birth where the newborn baby is in a "quiet alert" and is mainly accessible for bonding. He refers to this birth bond as "printing" and based himself on a study by Marshall Klaus and John Kennell of 1967; However, Klaus and Kennell later modified their original assumptions, including those cited by Sears. Sears advises women to abstain from analgesics during labor, as they also abuse children and according to Sears disrupts birth ties.
William Sears argues that breastfeeding greatly accommodates mother-daughter-attachment because it triggers the release of oxytocin in mothers who support their emotional bond with children, especially within the first ten days after delivery. Contrary to bottle feeding that tends to be done at intervals of 3 to 4 hours, breastfeeding also allows the mother to feel the mood and needs of the child appropriately. Because the half-life of the hormone prolactin and oxytocin (which promote bonding) is very short, Sears recommends breastfeeding very often, especially newborns (8 to 12 times daily). He claims that hours between 1 and 6 am are the most beneficial for breastfeeding. In general, Sears argues that breastfeeding is beneficial to the health of children and mothers. She claims that infants up to 6 months should be exclusively breastfed, as she believes that, at that age, children are allergic to all other foods.
William and Martha Sears advise mothers to breastfeed every child for 1-4 years:
While breastfeeding just a few months is the cultural norm for Western Society, what we know about breastfeeding in primitive cultures and weaning times for other mammals that human infants are designed to breastfeed for several years.
William Sears recommends extended breastfeeding, as he believes that breastfeeding supports attachment even in older children and it is a legitimate instrument to entertain older children or to bring mothers and children together in turbulent times. She also does not mind feeding the children at night. In early 1992, Norma Jane Bumgarner had been campaigning for an extended breast feeding.
In poor countries, the benefits of breastfeeding on the use of infant formula are irreversible, primarily because of the limited availability of clean drinking water. Nevertheless, WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding within the first 6 months and complementary breastfeeding within the first 2 years for all countries.
Because breastfeeding studies, for ethical reasons, have never been conducted as randomized controlled trials, critics have repeatedly suspected that research may have resulted in the superiority of breastfeeding as an artifact. Both physical, emotional and mental development of children and women's preference for feeding methods are largely determined by socioeconomic factors such as maternal, social class, and education. If researchers go without randomization and turn a blind eye to possible alternative factors, they are essentially at risk of wrongly credited feeding methods for socioeconomic factor effects. A gap of this problem was first presented by Cynthia G. Colen (Ohio State University), who managed to factor socio-economic determinants by comparing the brothers alone; his studies show that formula-fed children show little difference in their breast-fed siblings, as long as their physical, emotional and mental development is particularly alarming.
William Sears's assumption about the benefits of breastfeeding for attachments has been studied. In 2006, John R. Britton and his research team (Kaiser Permanente) found that very sensitive mothers were more likely than women who were less sensitive to breastfeeding and breastfeeding for long periods of time. However, this study showed no effect of feeding methods on attachment quality.
Baby Clothing
Sears advised mothers to use as many babies as possible throughout the day, for example with a sling. He argues that this practice makes the child happy and allows the mother to involve the child into everything she does and never forget the child. She advises mothers who work to wear children at least 4-5 hours each night to make good for her absence during the day.
In 1990, a team of researchers from New York revealed in a randomized study that children of 13-month-old underweighted mothers spent much time in their mother's caregivers showing significantly more frequent secure attachments as defined by Ainsworth compared to control group children, who spend more time in the infant seat. For middle-class families, equivalent studies do not yet exist.
Sears further argued that babywearing exercises a sense of child balance; because a child who wore mother experience more than her conversation, she believes that baby clothes are also useful for child language acquisition. However, no studies confirm such effects.
There is no doubt that baby clothes can soothe children. The baby cries most in the age of 6 weeks; in 1986, a team of researchers at McGill University showed in a randomized study that babies of that age cried significantly less if their elders wore them on the body during the day. Sears recommends babywearing for the purpose of calming the baby to sleep as well. He approved the use of sling until the age of 3 years, because children's clothing can also be used to calm toddlers who are naughty. Other pediatricians feel it is undeniable to use children beyond the age of 9 months permanently on the body, arguing that this is against the child's natural desire for autonomy.
William Sears states that any sleeping arrangements that family practice can apply to function; but he advised the mother to sleep close to the child. She thinks of sleeping together as an ideal setting and calling it a nightly match for babywearing: co-sleeping supports, in her opinion, mother-daughter-attachment, makes breastfeeding more comfortable, and prevents not just separation anxiety, but SIDS as well. Sears is convinced that mother and daughter, although often nursing at night, has the best sleep when they sleep close together. She also believes that because of supplementary supplementary feeding, a child sleeping near a mother grows better than a child "crying, alone, behind bars". In addition, Katie Allison Granju argues that sleeping together is also beneficial for children, as it gives the child a clear idea of ​​the concept of bedtime.
The idea of ​​sleeping together is not new in modern Western society; in early 1976, Tine Thevenin had campaigned for "family beds". Sears does not see a problem when 3-year-olds still share her mother's bed every night. She does not even mind if a child is in the habit of spending the night with her mother in her mouth, except when her mother really feels uncomfortable. Sears suggests working mothers to sleep together on all accounts to compensate children for daytime absences.
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a very rare incident; it happens less than ½ per mill all babies. James J. McKenna (University of Notre Dame) has found that mothers and babies who sleep together not only synchronize their sleep-wake rhythm, but also their breathing; Therefore he reasoned that sleeping together lowers the risk of SIDS. Nevertheless, studies that investigate SIDS directly have shown that sharing a permanent bed somewhat increases the risk of SIDS rather than lowering it. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission also warned against sleeping together. The Parenting International attachment issued a response stating that the data referenced in the Consumer Product Safety Commission statement is unreliable, and that the campaign co-sponsor has created a conflict of interest. The American Academy of Pediatrics policy on preventing SIDS opposes the division of beds with babies, although sharing space is recommended.
In general, research does not confirm the advantages of sleeping together on separate beds. A meta-study from Israel showed in 2000 that sleeping aids such as pacifiers and teddy bears significantly improved child's sleep, while sleeping together and often nursing at night if one inhibited the formation of healthy sleep patterns. Mothers who sleep together breastfeed as much as 3 times more often at night as mothers who have their own bed. The most important factor for a good sleep from a child proves to be mother's emotional access, not her permanent physical proximity.
"Crying is an attachment tool"
William Sears determines crying as an important meaning of the child's self-expression. Parents are challenged to "read" the cry - which was originally generalized - and to give the child empathetic feedback to help him differentiate and decipher the signal repertoire gradually. Furthermore, he recommends prevention crying: parents are advised not only to practice breastfeeding, baby clothes and sleep together as much as possible, but also to familiarize themselves with responding to early warning signals appropriately so that crying does not occur on initially. Similarly, parents should teach their children that some trivial incidents need not be feared at all.
In general, Sears argues that infants should not be allowed to cry because this will harm them. But in early 1962, T. Berry Brazelton has pointed out in a study that a number of crying in young infants showed no emotional or physical problems, but should be considered normal and harmless.
No sleeping practice
William Sears mentions two reasons why infants should not go to sleep training: he believes that infant training will harden the mother emotionally and that children undergoing such training do not sleep better but just resign and become apathetic, a situation he calls as a "syndrome closure", although the name condition is not present in the DSM or ICD. Frissell-Deppe and Granju believe that sleep training is traumatic for children.
Sears argues that sleep professional supporters are not competent and business-oriented, and that there is no scientific evidence that sleep training is beneficial to children. Since the 1990s, many studies have proven that sleep training is an easy and highly efficient way to establish healthy baby habits; Sears did not admit it.
For parents and especially for mothers, attachment parenting is more demanding and demanding than other current parenting ways, placing a high degree of responsibility to them without allowing a support network of helpful friends or relatives. William Sears fully realizes how difficult this method is. He suggests a whole package of actions aimed at preventing mother's emotional exhaustion, such as priorities and delegation of tasks and responsibilities, simplification of daily routines, and collaboration between both parents. Sears advises mothers to switch to psychotherapists if necessary, but stick to parenting attachments by all means.
Sears finds the burdens of attachments of fair and reasonable attachments, and describes these philosophical opponents as "autoritical men [...] caught in their counseling roles." . Granju, too, takes a swipe at "guidance of child-dominated parenting". He argues that the low reputation of breastfeeding, the extended breastfeeding in the Western world, arises from the sexualization of female breasts: from the perspective of a sexist society, male "owned" breeds, not to children. The Bialik, also, considers attachment as a feminist option, because it is an alternative to - male superiority - the superiority of doctors who traditionally form the sphere of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.
Since caring for attachment poses considerable challenges to maternal and female career reconciliation, the philosophy has been heavily criticized, especially in the context of parenting attachment from 2012.
Sears states that in bound families, parents and children practice a very advanced and sophisticated type of communication that keeps parents from using practices like nagging; often, all it takes is a mere brow. He believes that children who trust their parents are cooperative and do not reject parental guidance. Therefore he recommends positive discipline. But unlike many AP parents, it does not fundamentally challenge confrontational methods ( assertive, corrective responses ), and it gives high meaning to the child's obedience and conscience. Sears is an advocate decided on authoritative parents.
As the study shows, it is possible to use a sensitive discipline strategy and, therefore, one should not equate insensitive discipline and care.
Like Benjamin Spock in front of them, William and Martha Sears regard their parenting philosophy as common sense and an instinctively guided adhoc nurture. Unlike Spock who poured his ideas in a straight line from Freud's psychoanalysis, Sears did not actually start from theory; even the tie for the attachment theory was only engineered ex post, when the philosophy was already largely over. Despite Lloyd's rather eclectic thought, they came to their ideas primarily from their own personal impressions:
Our idea of ​​parenting attachment is based on over thirty years of raising our own eight children and watching moms and dads whose parenting choices seem to make sense and the kids we love. We have witnessed the effect of a parenting approach on children.
Despite the lack of a consistent theory, William and Martha Sears consider attachment parenting scientifically proven:
AP is not just common sense, it is supported by science.
Their belief in such scientific evidence does not preclude Sears from suggesting AP parents not to engage in discussions with AP criticism. They also support some science while they reject the others:
Science says: Good Science Back AP.
Fundamental terms and criticism
Critics consider the lack of a consistent theoretical basis - notably the lack of precise definition of the fundamental term - lack of the concept of parenting attachment.
The concept of mutual adjustment of emotions has been known in psychology since Franz Mesmer, who introduced it under the term "relationship", before Freud adopted it for psychoanalysis. With respect to mother-daughter-ties, behaviorists and developmental psychologists speak rather of contingency today; Daniel Stern coined the term "attunement" as well.
For Williams Sears, parenting attachment is a kind of parenting that is radically characterized by maternal responsiveness. For that, he adopted the term "mother's sensitivity" Mary Ainsworth: Women direct their attention fully to the child ("babyreading") and respond continuously to every signal that the child sends; The result is a state of harmony between mother and child that leads to a shared attachment. Sears believes that maternal "tuning-in" begins in pregnancy.
Within the framework of cognitive development studies of infants, parent-child attachment has been well studied. In the early 1940s Donald Winnicott gave a detailed account of the development of child engagement; at the latest after the sixth month, healthy children begin to break away from the mother-child symbiosis normally. However, Margaret Mahler provides the most accurate description of the development of attachment during the first three years. William Sears's publications do not reveal knowledge of this relevant literature.
The use of the term "attachment" of the Sears is only colloquial. He applies it synonymously with terms such as trust, harmony, closeness, bonding, bonding of love, and connection: "The appendix describes all parenting relationships between mother or father and infant." He mentions that clinging arises from probability, but in his further notes he never distinguishes between attachment and attachment. Therefore, the reader should assume that attachment is a highly vulnerable state that is never stable and that requires constant re-formation through endless sensitivity.
Later in the book, contrary to his earlier statement, Sears assured his adoptive parents: "Do not worry about the attachment your child might forget in foster.
Insecure unsafe
Establishment of safe mother-child bonds is an announced goal and is of paramount importance to adherence.
In many scientific studies, the development of normal attachment has been well documented. The same applies to deviant or pathological developments. The problematic or annoyed annex has been described in three contexts:
- Under extreme and rare circumstances, the child may not form attachments at all and may suffer from a disruption of reactive attachments. Children suffering from reactive attachment disorder often experience a very traumatic childhood with a lot of neglect and harassment. Examples of such cases are for children in an orphanage in Romania where babies have been known to be abandoned for 18-20 hours alone in their cribs. As adults, people with reactive attachment disorder exhibit severe emotional abnormalities and highly disturbed social behavior.
- Mary Ainsworth describes the kind of irregular attachment that also arises, especially in children who suffer child abuse; boys are more affected than girls. The children showed distress, and their mother revealed a clear lack of empathy. Irregular attachment is not a mental disorder in terms of ICD, but a kind of behavior that can be observed in a weird test situation only. In a "normal" middle-class family, about 15% of all children show irregular attachment. In a group of social problems, the percentage can be much higher.
- The third group of problematic engagements is based on unsafe and unsafe-ambivalent attachment types, both described by Mary Ainsworth as well. Insecured unscrupulous children behave in strange situation tests either aloof against their mother, or they fluctuate between clits and rejection. As Beatrice Beebe (Columbia University) has proven in a study in 2010, these children are experiencing from their mother's ongoing behaviors such as under or overstimulation, intrusiveness or volatility. However, their mothers show empathy and are fully able to respond to their children's emotional expression appropriately; children showed no signs of emotional distress. The unsafe attachment as defined by Ainsworth is very common and applies for example in the US to about 1 in 3 children.
William Sears uses the terms "lower attachment quality", "unsafe attachment", and "unbound" synonymously. The formulation does not reveal the type of problematic disorder in question: a reactive engagement disorder (ICD), an unorganized attachment (Ainsworth) or two forms of insecure attachment (Ainsworth). Still in 1982, he mentioned "non-attachment diseases" that did not refer to the Bowlby and Ainsworth attachment theory, but to Selma Fraiberg, a psychoanalyst who studied children born blind in the 1970s. Due to the vague description of the problematic attachment, Sears and the AP organization using its criteria have been reproached to produce a high level of false positives. The same goes for the definition of attachment therapy, a concept that often seems to overlap in part with parenting attachments. Proponents of parenting attachment have distanced themselves from attachment therapy, especially from the method, but not from the diagnostic criteria.
Sears offers a deviation between attachment (goodness) and attachment (bad), but again without explaining to readers how exactly they can identify the difference.
There is no conclusive research body that shows Sears's approach to being superior to "general nurturing". In a field study in Uganda, Ainsworth observed that sometimes even children who spend a lot of time with their mothers and who are breast-fed, develop signs of insecure attachment; he concludes that it is not the quantity of mother-child interactions that determines the type of attachment, but the quality. Therefore, it is not a practice such as sleeping together, infant clothing or eating as a signal identified by Ainsworth as an important determinant for secure attachment, but maternal sensitivity .
The theoretical starting point of parenting attachment - the idea of ​​contingency - will suggest the concept of a baby as a creature that is essentially determined by the feeling and its communication . William Sears, though, defines babies even basically with their needs . Therefore, need is another basic term; parenting attachment means basically to meet the needs of the child.
In the early 1940s, psychologists such as Abraham Maslow formed detailed models of human needs; since then, scientists have made a clear distinction between needs on the one hand and desire on the other. In 2000, T. Berry Brazelton, a pioneer in the field of newborn psychology, and child psychiatrist Stanley Greenspan published their book The Needs of Irreducible Children , in which they reassessed the term for pediatrics. When Sears published their Annex Parenting Book one year later, they did not respond to Maslow or Brazelton and Greenspan, but used the word just necessary in everyday sense. Although they emphasize that parents should differentiate between children's needs and wants, especially older children, they deny their readers any guidance on how to differentiate needs and wants. For infants, they believe that needs and wants are identical. In general, they use both terms synonymously. For the toddler, they often say it: a child is not ready (to do so without breastfeeding, sleepless, etc.); but even in this context, they are talking about needs as well.
Opponents of parenting attachment questioned that the behavior of a 3-year-old child who still demands a nurse can actually be classified as needs . Most likely the child is looking for entertainment. To comfort the child is the responsibility of the important parent; but parents are also obliged to teach their children to take heart with their own strength.
Stress has been surveyed and documented in many studies. The theoretical foundation was created in 1960 by Richard Lazarus. In 1974, Hans Selye introduced the differentiation between distress and eustress, and in 1984, psychoanalyst Heinz Kohut proposed the concept of optimal frustration; Kohut postulated that harmony between parents and children needs some well-provided disorders to empower children to develop a healthy personality. In resistance psychology there is also widespread agreement today that it harms children if their parents keep stress away from them indiscriminately; thus, they suggest to children that everyday problems are painful and overall should be avoided.
Although stress is one of the fundamental issues of parenting attachment, William Sears publications do not disclose acquaintances with related literature on this topic. Sears associates stress and pressure with the release of cortisol, but uses both terms synonymously and in everyday sense. He referred the term to any of the uncomfortable or frustrating circumstances that made the child cry - a signal that the AP mother must watch carefully with the stress of disgusting the child. On the other hand, Sears advised mothers not to overreact and to teach children imperturbation ("Caribbean approach"). He submits it to the parents to decide what kind of response the individual situation requires.
For parenting, any vagueness of the term stress and from the term need have far-reaching consequences. If it is assumed that every child's cry indicates dangerous stress and that every demand indicates a real need, the parent will inevitably confuse the relationship, sensitivity, responsiveness, emotional availability, and prudent protection with a behavior that, from an educational point of view, is highly dysfunctional and that William Most Sears will not agree with themselves:
- with continuous ongoing monitoring of the child
- with over-parenting, that is, the continuous disappearance of such problems in which the child can actually overcome himself
- with the continuous micromanagement of the child's mood, which aims to keep the child happy all the time; indeed, William Sears considers happy "end result and underline raising a child" .
Instinct and nature
Instinct is another basic term of parenting attachment. The Sears describe attachment attachment as a natural, biological, intuitive and spontaneous behavior of mothers who rely on their instincts, the sixth sense, inner wisdom, or common sense. They attribute even motherhood itself to instinct, whereas they prove a man of lower instinct for the needs of the children.
The theory of instinct was developed in the 1930s in the framework of ethology. It owes basic ideas to William McDougall among others, and elaboration especially to Konrad Lorenz and Nikolaas Tinbergen. Lorenz believes that instinct is a physiological process, and it is assumed they can be described as neural circuits in the brain. But Arnold Gehlen has disputed that humans still have many instincts they can use; for him, plasticity and learning talents outperform instinct. In today's study, the term instinct is considered as absolete. Recent studies have shown that maternal behavior is not based but biologically and socially determined. Partly triggered by oxytocin, partially studied.
William Sears's writings do not show any knowledge of the current state of research. Sears uses the word instinct in a pure sense everyday and is synonymous with terms like hormonal and natural ; as antipole instincts and nature, they identify things that "childcare advisers" say.
If you are on an island, and you have no mother-in-law, no psychologist, no doctor around, no experts, this is what you will experience and instinctively do to give your baby the best investment you have ever provided.
William Sears, who owes a formative footstep to Jean Liefloff, points to mammals, primates, "other", "primitive", and "traditional culture", namely in Bali and in Zambia. Developmental psychologist Heidi Keller who comparatively examines mother-daughter relationships in large cultural bandwidth, disputes that parenting attachment can be described as returning to "natural motherhood", as many advocates advertise it. Keller does not rank the attachment parenting as a counteragent to the high-tech world, but affirms that it "paradoxically fits optimally into an individualist society and a single combatant how we experience it in the Western world" . Many of the methods used by representatives of attachment parenting attachments to the history of evolutionary life do not really play a major role in the non-western cultures associated with them. In Cameroon for example, children are actually carried in sling at first, but then must learn to sit and walk much earlier than the children of Europe and North America; instead of developing loving eye contact, mothers blow into the faces of their children to make them unaccustomed to making eye contact.
Even in the United States, there are minority groups that can be classified as "traditional", none of whom practice parenting attachment. Amish mothers for example co-sleep with their baby, but only for the first few months; they never let their babies and toddlers be invisible, but they do not wear them while they're at work. From the very beginning, Amish children were raised to serve God, family, and community rather than expressing their own needs. Orthodox Jewish babies have traditionally slept on cradles. In communities where there is no eruv , Jewish parents are not allowed to bring their children about Shabbat. Native Americans traditionally use cradleboards that can be used, but which involves minimal physical touch of the mother and child.
Optimal child development
As Suzanne M. Cox (Northwestern University) points out, both attachment and parenting attachments offer a general outline of optimal child development, which can be used to measure empirically the efficacy of attachment parenting. The Sears promise care outcomes such as increasing self-reliance, confidence, health, physical growth, improving the development of motor skills and language, good behavior, precision, social competence, sense of justice, altruism, sensitivity, empathy, concentration, self-control, and intelligence. However, there is no conclusive evidence from empirical research to support such claims.
The main target of child rearing is, according to Sears, happiness. Similar to German Catholic Albert Wunsch, Sears is therefore ranked among parental advisors whose philosophy reflects aspects that deviate from their religious beliefs, but produces purely worldly targets. In the publication year, Wendy Mogel, on the other hand, suggests the concept of a highly influential character education based on his Jewish beliefs ( Blessing from a Skinned Knee , 2001).
Distribution and acceptance
Parenting Appendixes are very popular among educated urban women in Western countries, who are interested in ecological and social issues.
In the United States, parenting tips from famous people like actress Mayim Bialik and Alicia Silverstone contribute to the popularity of philosophy. Many North American women are organized into support groups of the Parenting International (API), an umbrella movement organization, in which Martha Sears serves as a board member. In Canada, there are further AP organizations such as the Canadian Association of Childcare Associations (Calgary); even some public health organizations promote parenting attachment. William Sears has a close relationship with the international La Leche League (LLL) which features him as a conference speaker and publishes several of his books. In the LLL group, many mothers are associated with attachment parenting for the first time. There are also attachment parenting organizations in Australia and in New Zealand.
In Europe,
In Germany, there are independent AP institutions in several cities. Hamburg, the central point of the movement in Germany, hosted the Attachment Parenting Congress in 2014, under the aegis of the Federal Minister for Family Affairs Manuela Schwesig. The second has been announced for 2016.
In Austria and Switzerland there are a small number of AP institutions as well. In Sweden, the fictional and science fiction writer Jorun ModÃÆ' Â © n solicits attachment parenting, which he refers to as the nÃÆ'¤ra fÃÆ'¶rÃÆ'¤ldraskap ( proximal parent ). In France where philosophy is nicknamed as intensive maternage or proximal maternage, this movement has almost no followers; Due to the success of Napoleon's educational reform, the French have traditionally had deep-rooted beliefs that educated childcare specialists educate children at least as much as mothers.
Since 2012, there has been controversy about Sears' position that has been widely practiced in the English-speaking world.
It begins in 2012 with a cover image on Time magazine that shows California's mother nursing for nearly 4 years. In the accompanying article The Man Who Remade Motherhood, journalist Kate Pickert argues that even if William Sears' position is far less radical than his followers, they are misogynic and give the mothers a chronic, guilty consciousness, and that they often disagree with relevant research results. Cover and article images become the starting point of anxious dispute in many media.
At the same time, parenting attachments attract the attention of sociologists such as Ellie Lee, Charlotte Faircloth, Jan Macvarish, and Frank Furedi who describe the phenomenon as an example of the 21st Century Parental Determinism. In early 1996, sociologist Sharon Hays has described the sociocultural phenomena of Intensive Mothering; with parenting attachments, this phenomenon eventually becomes real and recognizable. In 2004, media critics, Susan J. Douglas, and philosopher Meredith W. Michaels, followed by their explanation of New Momism .
Time cover image and article
Time cover images and articles published May 21, 2012. Pickert describes how parents who follow Sears tend to take a much more radical opinion than Sears himself. However, many parents are catching on from Sears books, a view Pickert has fiercely described as the "post-traumatic disorder of Sears": the sense of inadequacy that seems to appear especially to such mothers who want follow Sears's advice, for the mental health of their children, but can not , for example because they can not be housewives.
"Parental tribalism"
Katha Pollitt calls attachment nurturing a fad. Parents who follow philosophy have been denounced as acting in their own powerlessness and unfulfilled emotional discontent that may be the real reason for their decision to continually calm their children by breastfeeding and breastfeeding even to childhood, as a belief that the child really need all the permanent intimacy for healthy development is just a pretext. Emma Jenner argues that parents who in stereotypical habits attend any signal of children with physical proximity will not learn to understand the needs of children in the full expansion of their bandwidth and complexity.
Katie Allison Granju, who advocates parenting attachment and who publishes comprehensive guidelines for AP parents, offers a different perspective. He characterizes parenting attachments as not just a nurturing style, but a "truly satisfying way of life" .
Sociologist Jan Macvarish (University of Kent), a pioneer in the field of childcare culture studies recently, illustrates how AP parents make use of their parenting philosophy as an individualization strategy, as a way of finding personal identity and joining a group of exciting adults. Macvarish even talks about parental tribalism. According to Macvarish, it is a characteristic for such an option that they are much more inclined to parents' self perceptions than to the needs of the child. Sociologist Charlotte Faircloth, too, considers parental attachment to be a strategy that women are pursuing to acquire and express personal identity.
Child rearing and parent lifestyle preferences AP
Many authors state that many parents choose parenting attachment as part of individualization strategies and as statements of personal identity and social affiliation. This assumption is supported by the observation that most AP parents exhibit more specific parenting and lifestyle preferences based on a set of attitudes (especially: striving for naturalness), which, however, are largely not directly related to the stated purpose of parenting attachment:
- "tender" labor, "natural delivery", birth at home
- the use of homemade toddlers from organic veganism, paleolytic diets
- the use of cloth diapers that can be washed; communication elimination
- "gentle discipline", "positive discipline", non-confrontational parenting
- naturopathy, holistic health, homeopathy, and decreased vaccination. William Sears' son Robert Sears published a 2007 Vaccine Book that sparked vaccine skepticism among parents, and in AP groups, parents explicitly asked not to vaccinate their children.
Some AP parental practices and preferences apply only in North America:
- decrease in baby circumcision; in Europe, infant circumcision is relatively rare.
- naturisme
- homeschooling or unschooling; in Europe, homeschooling is less popular.
Sears encourages some of these practices explicitly, such as non-smoking, healthy and home prepared, uncircumcised foods, but do not comment on how they should be associated with the core idea of ​​parenting attachment. Only in the case of positive discipline, the links are quite clear.
feminist perspective
In his book The Complete Book of Parenting and Child Care (1997), William Sears opposes the mother's occupation, for he believes that it endangers the child:
[Some] mothers choose to return to their jobs quickly simply because they do not understand how disturbing it is to their baby's health. So many babies in our culture are not treated in the way that God is designed, and we as a nation pay the price.
Baby books (including myself) and child care experts applaud the virtues of mothers as the highest careers.
Every intensive and obsessive mother form has, as Katha Pollitt states, a devastating consequence for equality of treatment of women in society. In France, lisabeth Badinter argues that over-parenting, an obsession with washable diapers and home made baby food, and childcare practices as recommended by Sears, by breastfeeding into toddlers, bring women back into role patterns gender outdated.. In the United States, Badinter's book The Conflict: The Modern Motherhood Toward the Status of Women (2010) has a partially critical reception, as there is no paid childcare leave in the country, and many women consider it a luxury to be able become a housewife during the child's first year. However, gynecologist Amy Tuteur (formerly Harvard Medical School) stated that attachment of newly attached amounts to women's bodies is under social control - a trend that is more than questioned in the face of achieving a struggling women's movement.
As Erica Jong observed, the emergence of attachment parenting followed the overflow of mothers who loved the popular stars (Angelina Jolie, Madonna, Gisele BÃÆ'¼ndchen) in the mass media. He stated that attempts to model exceptional children under the sacrifice of the welfare of their own parents transformed motherhood into a "very competitive race"; all women's efforts to radically monopolize their parents' responsibilities greatly accommodate right-wing politics.
Culture of "total mother"
In his 2005 book Perfect Madness. Motherhood in the Anxiety Era, Judith Warner, also illustrates how attachment nurturing has had a powerful influence on mainstream mainstreaming and how it has shaped a "total mother culture"; Due to this cultural change, mothers are convinced today that they should immediately attend to every need of their children to protect them from the risk of a lasting neglect problem. In early 1996, sociologist Sharon Hays wrote of the newly formed "intensive care ideology". The hallmark of this ideology is the tendency to impose parenting responsibilities primarily on mothers and to support child-centered childcare, guided by the expert, emotionally, labor intensive and financially intensive. Hays sees the motive for motherly overloading in an idealistic attempt to heal an overly selfish and competitive society through the balancing principle of altruistic altruism. But according to Hays, any kind of "intensive motherhood" that systematically grants privileges to the needs of children on the needs of mothers occurs without failing to disadvantage the mother economically and personally.
In 2014, a team of researchers at Mary Washington University showed in a study that 23% of mothers who believe in intensive mother suffer from signs of depression; among the average mothers, this is only valid for 6.7%.
- Granju, Katie Allison; Kennedy, Betsy (1999). Parenting Attachment: An Instant Care for Your Baby and Young Child . New York, NY: A Pocket Book. ISBNÃ, 0-671-02762-X
- Sears, William; Sears, Martha (1993). Baby book: all you need to know about your baby: from birth to age two .. Boston: Little, Brown Ã,
- Sears, Bill; Sears, Martha (2001). The Attachment Parenting Book: A Commonsense Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Baby . New York, Boston: Little, Brown and Company. ISBNÃ, 0-316-77809-5
Further reading
- Sears, Martha; Sears, William (1997). Complete Book of Christian Care and Child Care: A Medical and Moral Guide to Raising Healthy and Fun Kids
- Benefits of Attachment Care for Infants and Children: A Behavioral Developmental View
External links
- Attachment Parenting at Curlie (based on DMOZ)
Source of the article : Wikipedia