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The Talk Show Opener | After Effects template - YouTube

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Video Template talk:-


While it seems unreasonable to template this markup, float clearing is a common action that has proven very popular by this template - more than 400 links are displayed at the time of this writing. This is all the more interesting because so many users replace the template than the transclude it, in which case its usage is not shown in What is the link here . - Xiong ? talk * 21:51, 2005 August 15 (UTC)

I use this template when the image depends on the next part only slightly. Deckiller 19:18, January 21, 2006 (UTC)
I want this version that does not also include line breaks. Is it workable? 15:36, February 9, 2006 (UTC)
I'm afraid HTML does not allow this. Sorry. - Quadell (talk) (bounties) 16:26, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
As per the following discussion may {{clear}} do what you want, but of course not with inheritance align = "right" or "left" floating. If dummy & lt; div & gt; is not allowed where you need it, try to replace it with dummy & lt; span & gt; - and if it works, report it here, I can check it with Mozilla 3 my legacy monster ;-) Omniplex 04:18, 4 March 2006 (UTC)

Maps Template talk:-

Built-in bug

The old {{subst: -}} expanded to & lt; br style = "clear: both"/& gt; .

Inline CSS does not work with XHTML BASIC and legacy browsers, old templates have no desired effect there. Please replace the old extension & lt; br style = "clear: both"/& gt;

oleh & lt; br clear = "all"/& gt; .

Omniplex 18:10, February 27, 2006 (UTC)

So what? Wikipedia does a lot of things that are not supported by older browsers. And the core of the CSS is that browsers that do not support it are displayed adequately and do not know what's missing - in which case it has a new section starting before the bottom of the image. Not aesthetically, perhaps, but no content loss and no structural issues. I think you should change it back./blahedo (t) 03:59, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
So now the page Wikipedia: InfoboxÃ, (edit | talk | history | links | panta | log) works with my browser, clear = "all" has the required effect. It was completely chaotic and unreadable before, dozens of floating infobox dragging the next section. CSS ignored can not delete inheritance align = right or left . If you're sure to be in a pure CSS context it could be aesthetic questions to use as well as pure CSS-clear, but that's not the case for {{}} as documented, it has to work anywhere. Omniplex 08:18, 28 February 2006 (UTC)
The solution to "this CSS solution does not work with old, HTML inheritance" should not be "so replace CSS with longer, HTML inheritance" but "so let's update the old, HTML inheritance to CSS "./blahedo (t) 05:50, March 1, 2006 (UTC)
Because templates work everywhere and generate valid XHTML transitions. It's almost impossible to replace all {{}} by & lt; br clear = "all" & gt; anywhere manually - just in case, as it is guaranteed to work with any type of markup and browser. Theoretically the bot can do that. After the global substitution, templates and documentation can be updated to say only works for floating-CSS instead of legacy hovering , with annotations for what normal users should be meant for infoboxes, tables , and other apps from align = "right" or "left" . Seriously, it can not fly, the templates are fine now, and it will take years until all the inheritance markup that requires inheritance is clearly gone. Omniplex 07:56, March 1, 2006 (UTC)
Maybe we can overdo it and do it in two ways. My reading on is that
& lt; br clear = "all" style = "clear: both"/& gt;
is XHTML legal, and I'm sure it will work in older browsers. --Chris Chittleborough 21:11, March 25, 2006 (UTC)
Apply, work and redundant - the template is quite popular, also available in Meta, mentioned on some project pages, so why transport information overload, some people pay by volume. The educational aspects of XHTML are strictly discussed here. Mixing CSS with inherited markup will keep only valid XHTML transitions. - Omniplex 23:32, March 26, 2006 (UTC)
You're right. And I agree that we should aim for XHTML strictly. --Chris Chittleborough 20:54, March 27, 2006 (UTC)
I do not agree. I agree with the separation of presentations from the content in general, but the adoption of the XHTML Strict site-wide wholesaler, or even HTML 4.01 Strict across the site, will cause the feature to become unavailable. For example, W3C no longer uses the value attribute of the li element (and removes it completely from Strict), making it impossible to start a sorted list at any value other than one. For example, would it be impossible to start playlist on album Follow Leade? by Korn on the correct 13. Until the top two web browsers support CSS counters, we are still in Transition. --Damian Yerrick (?) 12:36, October 5, 2006 (UTC)

Business Or Visiting Card Template. Talk Or Speak Icon. Loud ...

- versus delete

Why is {{-}} separate from {{clear}}? Did not the latter have done what he did? - jdorje (talk) 03:03, March 2, 2006 (UTC)

They are quite different, see the previous section. In (X) HTML br is the inline element allowed in other inline elements such as range or small , and in block level elements such as p or div . OTOH Template: clearly generates & lt; div style = "clear: both" & gt; & lt;/div & gt; , block level elements. Clumsy where it is allowed, and div is not allowed in many places where br is okay. I have returned your change. Omniplex 06:40, March 2, 2006 (UTC)
View history {{clear}}. Previous br, and then converted into div. There are no real situations where you want to empty in the middle of paragraphs or other inline elements (you usually want to clear just before or after the blocking elements), and in some unclear situations (that I meet) you should use a zero-sized div, because using br will cause a line break where you do not want it. --cesarb 02:10, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
It is very likely that there is a situation where {{clear}} is required, otherwise we can redirect to this template as happens with {{clr}}. But they are different for different reasons. (X) HTML & lt; div & gt; allows no inheritance clear = "all" , therefore {{clear}} can not replace {{clr}}. Please add an example of this vague situation to {{clear}} docu, curious minds (like me) want to know, e.g. why you are not using & lt; span & gt; than & lt; div & gt; . Omniplex 04:00, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
Well, it's not that is not clear, just kind of rare: HTML Tidy moves br into the previous p; if you do not have p (for example, between two div), the result is a new blank line. I did not test with range; using div always works well in all situations, and exactly as I mean (zero-sized clearing element block ). --cesarb 16:20, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
Understand, you need something that works outside all block-level elements. Tidy will not let you use inline elements there, if that's not allowed in strict XHTML. I can not say at this point, I almost always use transition XHTML. Tricky, the real problem is X before {{clear}}, and maybe & lt; div & gt; X & lt;/div & gt; will be a "clean" solution without inline CSS. The same argument row also works for {{-}}, both of which are kludges. And I can not fix hundreds of Infoboxes just to get rid of {{-}} on a terrible page... Ã, ;-) Omniplex 03:39, 5 March 2006 (UTC)

Business Or Visiting Card Template. Talk Or Speak Icon. Speech ...

Using subst for this template

Template: Clear use says to use subst instead of entering it. Why the Template: - should not be replaced ? Does the code change regularly? - Sililibob 01:55, May 4, 2006 (UTC)

Code changes are not possible for several years. When all legacy align = "right" floating dead - which is a bad idea at the moment, but this will change - then legacy clear = "all" can be replaced by style = "clear: both". And then it makes sense to change the code.
Back to reality, of course you can replace it. It can also be protected, nothing can be fixed at this time. IMHO wiki source with {{-}} easier to read than & lt; brÃ, clear = "all" Ã,/& gt; . Some people will also try to "upgrade" the latter, add CSS/replace CSS/delete space/delete slash/..., and each step will break with different browsers under certain conditions. Therefore, spreading {{subst: -}} may backfire. Users who rely on {{}} are minorities, the normal "healing" wikis will not work for substitution and mutilate {{-}} . --Monniplex 17:51, May 4, 2006 (UTC)
I have protected this as a high-risk template. - xaosflux Talk 03:17, May 11, 2006 (UTC)

Lab Talk Logo Template Design. Vector Illustration. Royalty Free ...

Free suggestions

And you know what they say about it. ;-) This is of course a useful template, which I do not deny. But I have seen it abused as a means of packing more pictures into articles than is normally required. If you have one special place you need this, it might be fine. If you use it two or three times in an article, it may be a sign that you have too many images and must move some to the gallery. Choose the best panorama, and some of the most interesting details, then paste the rest into the gallery so people only need to load thumbnails. Be a photo editor, not just a copy editor. --Dhartung | Talk 22:11, August 9, 2006 (UTC)

Template Talk Ep. 1: Template Overview - YouTube

Interwiki for Interlingua

Dear Administrator, please add the following intercom:

 [[he: Patrono: -]]  

Thanks in advance, Julian 12:30, February 14, 2007 (UTC)

Y Done . - Luna Santin (talk) 20:19, February 14, 2007 (UTC)

Sport Talk - Chat Logo Template Design Vector Royalty Free ...

More interwiki

Please see the Wiki Global Search engine search shows - & amp ; timeout = 120 & amp; minor = 1 there is also this language to link:

  [[bs: template: -]]  [[ca: template: -]]  [[da: template: -]]  [[es: template: -]]  [[et: template: -]]  [[fi: template: -]]  [[fr: ModÃÆ'¨le: Clr]]  [[hour: template: -]]  [[hu: template: -]]  [[en: template: -]]  [[io: template: -]]  [[is: template: -]]  [[it: Template: Delete]]  [[lt: template: -]]  [[lv: template: -]]  [[ms: template: -]]  [[nl: template: -]]  [[no: template: -]]  There are cool things {{subst: UnsignedIP | 1 = | 2 = 17: 57, July 23, 2011 (UTC)}} & lt ;! - Automated by SineBot - & gt;  [[oc: template: -]]  [[pl: template: -]]  [[ro: template: -]]  [[simple: template: -]]  [[sl: template: -]]  su [: su: template: -]]  [[sv: template: -]]  [[tr: template: -]]  

--CanFan 11:27, March 14, 2007 (UTC)

There is at least one unrelated page (fi:, check mark "negative vote"). This list needs to be checked in total before this page is added to the interlink link. Femto 13:13, March 14, 2007 (UTC)
Check the list of links, add most of the ones listed above, comment on those using style = "clear: both;" . --Dispenser 17:17, May 8, 2007 (UTC)

ko:?: - tolong? Yeom0609 20:20, 16 Mei 2007 (UTC)

Talk Bubble Template Stock Illustration 13531936 - Shutterstock

pola halaman dokumen

{{editprotect}} Lihat WP: DOC --Dispenser 03:29, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

Y Selesai Harryboyles 08:54, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

Business Talk Icon Concept Vector Design Template Royalty Free ...



Can someone change the code in this template to add clearing parameters, like & lt; br clear = "{{1 | all}}}"/& gt; ? That way, we can choose what should be obvious, like "right" or "both", with "all" still being the default. And if you can, can you also do it in the Meta template? - AAA! ( AAAA ) 03:40, May 8, 2007 (UTC)

Can you provide an example where the parameters will help? It seems like an unusual requirement for me, so users can always put HTML into their own page source if they need it. CMummert Ã, Â · talk 15:54, May 8, 2007 (UTC)
Here's an example:
{{- | right}} , which will generate:
& lt; br clear = "right"/& gt;
and {{-}} will generate:
& lt; br clear = "all"/& gt; , which is the default. - AAA! ( AAAA ) 05:25, May 9, 2007 (UTC)
I understand. Can you give us useful article examples? CMummert Ã, Â · talk 05:28, May 9, 2007 (UTC)

LogoVenue Tech Talk - Technical Brain Logo Design Template for ...

An extra blank line was introduced May 13

Yesterday, a new extra line was introduced after & lt; br & gt; mark. This causes a much larger gap to appear on multiple pages, so it effectively acts like & lt; br clear = "all" & gt; & lt; br & gt; . Could this newline be removed (by moving & lt; noinclude & gt; back to the end of the first line)? Thank you, - ?? org 16:26, May 14, 2007 (UTC)

Y Done . - Luna Santin (talk) 17:39, May 14, 2007 (UTC)

It's time to get this bad idea to be true


This is not a good template; problem back into presentation and the like. And there's his name. But it has a leg...

This implementation,

  • & lt; br clear = "all"/& gt ;,

is old school. I have seen the old chat above and believe it should have been sorted out years ago. But it was not.

Please change this template to

  • & lt; br style = "clear: both;"/& gt;

that is simple. Clear clear = "all"; do not worry about the remainder of the still-used copy from any nursing home user agent who does not support this.

Cheers, Jack Merridew 07:54, December 16, 2008 (UTC)

Not done yet. If you just want to change the code like that, why not redirect to Template: Clear? And, does changing the code offer any benefits? Or are we just taking the risk of breaking some people? --MZMcBride (talk) 05:58, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
{{clear}} is similar in concept, but not the same; this is a div-element, not a br-element. Directing this to it * would * risk damaging things. clear = "all" bad-form and equivalent to css has been supported for ten years; does anyone run Mosaic or Navigator 2 again? Does anyone know? Many of the templates used, even the poor ones, should at least use the right code. Jack Merridew 06:56, December 17, 2008 (UTC)
It makes no sense to save this in the current form. clear = "all" has been out of use since HTML 4.01 and will be lost in HTML 5. style = "clear: both;" does exactly the same thing in 99.9% of all people browsers use and validate. Husky (talk page) 20:05, June 19, 2009 (UTC)
The reason this request is not made does not make sense. & lt; br style = "clear: both;"/& gt; not equal to & lt; div style = "clear: both;" & gt; & lt;/div & gt; (what kind of Template: Clear). This is still an element of br . It's not like wikicode is the actual html of the page (past the first Sanitizer.php) so do not worry about validation, although it's a good habit to use the right html (x) regardless. Browser support is fine here. Any user with a browser that can not handle style attributes is used to view the completely corrupted web. There's nothing wrong with excluding extra and semi-colon spaces though (& lt; br style = "clear: both"/& gt;). They're just editing preferences. Rocket000 (talk) 02:38, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

For what it's worth, I made this change. Redirecting to {{clear}} does not make sense, and using style = "clear: both" is visually identical to say clear = "all" , plus it has no benefits abandoned; ;-) ^ demon [omg plz] Ã, 17:59, 29 July 2009 (UTC)

Aww, these whitespace templates are my favorite place to argue about the most trivial small changes, but now as I want. ";" Rocket000 (talk) 07:49, August 5, 2009 (UTC)
Ditto, now I can finally take it off. - Dispenser 16:19, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

English as he speaks

Here in the document, as cast:

 This causes the previously set float to clear.  

The unusual name of this template is mnemonic for the imaginary horizontal line, which separates the floating elements above from the one below. Some editors prefer mnemonics

("clear"), which is simply diverted here.

Well, that's useful. Thanks for connecting mnemonic but not floating, what it means clearing (ok you connected clr), what it means to be established before, and so on.

Documentation templates are generally annoying, but this has just gotten my goat now. I may be unusual, but I write the documentation and test before I write the template (I am new to writing template but not used new for software engineering). Then at least one person, myself, knows what it does. And believe me, my test case sometimes fails. I found no errors in the test case but in the template. But here we have an error in that document. Someone came to search

and decide, after all, it's not a typo or magic, come here and find that it's causing the float that was previously erected to clean up. The only word that is not jargon in the sentence is "It causes" and "for".

I realize I may take a minority view here, because Wikipedia is for everyone (as long as they already know everything). But this is the height, so far, from degrading the intelligent people, willing to learn, but wanting to find out what did not explain about the buoy (my guess is unfairly, it ensures the following paragraph does not go to the box above it). I do not care if it is not completely accurate, it is lead and I want one sentence to tell me what it does, not technical details (which I can scroll down to, or view the source).

Okay, by the way, back to Wikipeding. My sincere hope SimonTrew (talk) 22:56, 24 September 2009 (UTC)

I also fail to understand how hyphens are mnemonics. That is, in Greek, something named. Quite the contrary, it is anonymous. It does not mean anything. SimonTrew (talk) 23:00, 24 September 2009 (UTC)
A mnemonic is a help for memory (from the Greek "memory", not "something named"), and although the most common mnemonics are verbal, they are not necessary. In this case, the template name is mnemonic because the horizontal line in the hyphen triggered a connection with the use of templates to "draw invisible lines" throughout the article. I would agree that documentation is not the best I have ever seen. Grutness... wha? 00:19, 25 September 2009 (UTC)

Edit request from Rustyrustyrusty, November 6, 2010

{{edit protected}} The name above is in bold spelled wrong. Please change to - Andre Amado

Rustyrustyrusty (talk) 17:30, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

I'm not sure which refers to this article, but you are requesting this on the wrong page. This is the talk page for Template: -. - Martin (MSGJ Ã, Ã, Ã, Ã, talk) 20:00, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

Request for multiple disconnection options

Can you include some pauses in this template, similar to {{Break | 2}} {{Break | 5}} {{Break | 10}} etc. It should look like this: {{- | 2}} {{- | 5}} {{- | 10}}, or alternatively {{- | right | 2}} {{- | left | 2}} {{- | right | 5}} etc. Thank you in advance. - Polish29 (talk) 01:58, March 9, 2011 (UTC)

Valid HTML5

After an interesting discussion on the Yobot and HTML5 talk pages, I recommend fixing {{-}} by importing mw: Template: - mw: Template: -/doc minus template categories that are not here. -Be..anyone (talk) 14:48, February 9, 2015 (UTC)

Not done . It's a serious ugly hack, and actually no less valid in my opinion. We just have to redirect this to {{clear}}, because & lt; br/& gt; did not add any values. - [[ User: Edokter ]] {{ talk }} 15:22, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
Your edits here and in mediawikiwiki are not constructive, with vs. without line breaks is a difference, I have enabled my edit request again for someone who no is involved in this controversy. -Be..anyone (talk) 16:41, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
Show me the difference. My goal is to divert, so editing medium is basically useless. - [[ User: Edokter ]] {{ talk }} 17:07, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
See the test in Custom: Permalink/646393033. Different vertical distances. - Red rose64 (talk) 20:06, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
Tidy screwed it up completely. This removes the empty div and kicks the other outside the paragraph. - [[ User: Edokter ]] {{ talk }} 20:53, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
The test is better in Special: Permalink/646400417. The difference is minimal, and only when followed by plain text because the parser injects & lt; p & gt; tags. - [[ User: Edokter ]] {{ talk }} 21:00, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
As mentioned in Yobot, I do not have the tools to test all popular browsers on all popular platforms for the "popular" definition I trust, but in 2006 {{-}} works for my NetScape 2.02 browser, and valid XHTML 1.0 transitions including prose "compatibility attachments", while {{clear}} does not work for this HTML3 browser. -Be..anyone (talk) 21:03, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
Let's not busied ourselves with broswsers and the standard 10 year old. - [[ User: Edokter ]] {{ talk }} 22:19, 9 February 2015 (UTC)
Not done: I do not see a consensus for this change, sorry. We need to find a consensus on what to do before any edit request can be made. - Mr. Stradivarius ? talk? 23:43, February 9, 2015 (UTC)
You just missed an opportunity to import a good version last edited by mw: User: Edoktor. -Be..anyone (talk) 16:03, 10 February 2015 (UTC)

Removal of candidacy

I have nominated this template for deletion. Alakzi (talk) 23:34, June 3, 2015 (UTC)

Editing request is protected on June 18, 2015

Please add the following text to this template, given that the template is nominated for WP: TFD on June 3, 2015:

& lt; noinclude & gt; {{Template for discussion/date | page = - | link = Wikipedia: Template for discussion/Log/2015 June 3 # Template: -}} & lt;/noinclude & gt;

... The "noinclude" tag is deliberate there, given that all other notices will damage some pages. Thank you! Steel1943 (talk) 17:30, June 18, 2015 (UTC)

What's the point? This will remind anyone whose watchlist contains this template, but also post this talk page. --Ã, Martin (MSGJÃ, Ã, Â · talk) 09:01, June 19, 2015 (UTC)
I also posted it directly above, so they've been warned twice now. Alakzi (talk) 10:54, June 19, 2015 (UTC)
@MSGJ: The point is that the TFD tag puts the template in the maintenance category, lets the editor check the category to know that this page goes up for nomination; not only talk page notifications. (Also, I'm not sure who changed the level of my request section, given that I do not want to be bundled with the above section, so I'll restore it.) Steel1943 (talk) 19:09, June 20, 2015 (UTC)
I still can not see the benefits. Editing a template affects the job queue. If you want a category, you can put it in the/doc page in the includeonly section. Merging with the above section is appropriate because the topic is exactly the same. Regards - Martin (MSGJ Ã, Â · talk) 19:46, June 20, 2015 (UTC)
I've added a banner on the document page. Alakzi (talk) 20:21, June 20, 2015 (UTC)

Editing request is protected on June 21, 2015

Now that thoughtlessness seems to be over, can we finish this? Alakzi (talk) 23:35, June 22, 2015 (UTC)

If you mean to redirect instead of delete, you should have sent {{subst: tfmnotice}} to Quadell instead of {{subst: tfdnotice}} ; should use {{subst: tfm2}} on the daily TFD page instead of {{subst: tfd2}} ; and should not use the word "deletion" twice in the #Domination nominations on this page.
If you would describe any comment as "mindlessness" (whether they belong to me or anyone else), there is absolutely no way that I will redirect this template. The abuse of the process is followed by the misuse of other editors that I will not face. - Red rose64 (talk) 08:17, June 23, 2015 (UTC)
Please can you forget the process for a while and discuss the benefits of the proposal? --Ã, Martin (MSGJÃ, Ã, Â · talk) 08:56, June 23, 2015 (UTC)
I already did; see Wikipedia talk: HTML5 # What to find. - Red rose64 (talk) 11:44, June 23, 2015 (UTC)
Do you disagree with the redirection of this template? Alakzi (talk) 12:01, June 23, 2015 (UTC)
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that you can ask the community for a ransom because of your status. Alakzi (talk) 12:01, June 23, 2015 (UTC)
I do not hold anyone for ransom. I said that me will not make this edit. - Red rose64 (talk) 13:43, June 23, 2015 (UTC)
No one asked you; it is a cocky attempt to arm your fellow administrators. Alakzi (talk) 13:58, June 23, 2015 (UTC)

As there seems to be no substantive objection to this proposal, I will likely make a diversion within the next few days. --Ã, Martin (MSGJÃ, Ã, Â · talk) 12:39, June 25, 2015 (UTC)

The recent redirect may backfire

{{Redr}} is deprecated. Please replace with:

  {{Redirect shell category |  {{R from template shortcut}}  }}  

Christian75 (talk) 17:16, March 11, 2017 (UTC)

Done. Jo-Jo Eumerus (talk, contribution) 13:13, March 12, 2017 (UTC)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
