The Beast Feed is an American crime television drama series based on Danish Bankerot series by Kim Fupz Aakeson and adapted by Clyde Phillips for AMC, starring David Schwimmer and Jim Sturgess. The series aired on 5 June 2016, at AMC. On September 2nd, 2016, AMC canceled the show after a season.
Video Feed the Beast
Tommy Moran and Dion Patras are like brothers. Dion can not get out of trouble and Tommy can not move past him. For two friends on the verge of losing everything, the dream of a dusty pipe to open a top-class Greek restaurant in their home town of the Bronx is all they have to change their lives. Together, they take the madness of the New York restaurant world and navigate the stomach of small criminals, corrupt officials and loud mafia.
Maps Feed the Beast
David Schwimmer as Thomas "Tommy" Moran, a former sommelier and functional alcohol who raised his ten-year-old son TJ after the tragic death of his wife Rie. His dream of opening a restaurant in the Bronx with Dion's old friend ignited a fire in him that had been absent since his loss.Repeats
- Michael Rispoli as Guy Giordano, NYPD detective with revenge against Tooth Fairy
- Erin Cummings as Marisa Gallo, Dion's lawyer and Giordano's daughter
- Ella Rae Peck as Anna Davis, a counselor at Clay Avenue Middle School
- David Patrick Kelly as Ziggy Woichik, Tooth Fairy's father
- Fredric Lehne as Kevin, a chef employed by Aidan
- Demosthenes Chrysan as Stavros, Uncle Dion
- Jacob Ming-Trent as Mose, a war veteran in Afghanistan, member of the Tommy and Pilar grief group and a Thirio employee
- Joel Marsh Garland as Fiasco, one of Dion's friends and fellow chefs
- Mousa Kraish as Habib, one of Dion's friends and fellow chefs
- Kathryn Kates as Ruth Cline, Aidan's accountant
- April Hernandez-Castillo as Blanca Herrera, restaurant manager and Pilar sister
- Geoffrey Cantor as leader of the Christian sad group, Tommy and Pilar
On June 25, 2015, AMC ordered Clyde Phillips for a series of 10 episodes of Broke based on the Danish series Bankerot by Kim Fupz Aakeson, to be produced by Phillips. AMC Studios, Lionsgate Television, and Clyde Phillips Productions will produce this series. Henrik Ruben Genz and Malene Blenkov, who had previously produced Bankerot , were also executive producers, with Piv Bernt. The show changed its name to Feed the Beast and announced to start production in February 2016 in New York City, for the May 2016 premiere.
On April 28, 2016, it was announced on the artist's official Facebook page that Sasha Dobson would be performing the opening theme song for this series.
On September 2nd, 2016, AMC canceled the show after a season.
In Rotten Tomatoes, this series has a 23% rating, based on 39 reviews, with an average rating of 5.1/10. The important consensus of the site reads, " Feed the Beast ' s visual appeal is not enough to make predictable planning, convoluted dialogue and disliked characters. " In Metacritic this series has a score of 46 out of 100, based on 33 criticisms, showing "mixed or average review".
External links
- Official website
- Feed the Beast on IMDb
- Feed the Beast in TV Guide
Source of the article : Wikipedia