The orange clownfish ( Amphiprion Percula ) is also known as clownfish percula and clown anemonefish , widely known as popular fish aquarium. Like other clown fish (also known as anemonefishes), often live in relation to sea anemones. A. Percula is specifically associated with Heteractis magnifica and Stichodactyla gigantea , and because the larvae use chemical cues removed from the anemone to identify and locate host species the right one to use it. for protection and protection. This leads to a preferential election when discovering their host anemone species. Although popular, keeping this species in captivity is rather complicated. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority regulates the number of collection permits issued to these aquarium looking fish sellers, and other tropical fish in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The symbiosis between anemones and anemones depends on the presence of fish that attract other fish to the anemone, where they are stung by the venomous tentacles. Anemones help fish by giving them protection from predators, which include brittle stars, rivet fish, and other damselfish fish, and fish help anemones by feeding them, increasing oxygenation, and disposing of waste materials from host. Various hypotheses exist about the fish's ability to live inside the anemone without being harmed. One study conducted at Marineland of the Pacific by Dr. Demorest Davenport and Dr. Kenneth Noris in 1958 revealed that the mucus released by the anemone fish prevented the anemone from releasing a deadly nematosist. The second hypothesis is that A. percula has acquired immunity to marine anemone toxins, and a combination of both has proven to be the case. Feed the fish on algae, zooplankton, worms, and small crustaceans.
Video Orange clownfish
Amphiron percula can grow to 11 cm (4.3 in) in length, but on average 8 cm (3.1 inches), and can be recognized by three white lines throughout their bright orange body, with there is no color difference between the sexes. An anterior white blade is placed just behind the eye, the middle blade is straight to the center of the fish, and the posterior blades occur near the caudal fin. An anterior projection projection also exists in the center bar. In addition to white coloring, the black rim describes each fin with varying thickness. This species can be mistaken for the same species of clown fish, A. ocellaris . These are known as ocellaris clownfish and are sometimes referred to as "false percula clownfish" or "common clownfish" because of the same color and pattern. The "easiest" way to distinguish between two species is the fact that A. percula has 10 spines in the first dorsal fin and
Maps Orange clownfish
Because these fish live in warm water environments, they can reproduce throughout the year. Each fish group consists of a breeding partner and none to four nonbreeders. In each group there is a hierarchy based on size: the female is the largest, the male male is the second largest, and the non-breeder men get smaller as the hierarchy falls. They show protandry, which means every fish is born as a male, but turns to a female if a single breeding female dies. If the female is dead, the male breeding becomes a female breeder, and the largest nonbreeder becomes a male male. Spawning processes correlate with the lunar cycle. At night the moon has a higher level of vigilance in A. Percula and this increases interaction with men and women. Before spawning, males attract women through courtship behavior. These courtship actions include expanding their fins, biting females and chasing them. The males also swim rapidly in upward and downward movements to attract females. The nest site is also important for egg survival. Depending on the size of the body, females produce about 400-1500 eggs per cycle. Female female ownership is expected to be about 12 years old and relatively long for the size of the fish, but is a characteristic of other reef fish.
Why nonbreeders continue to mix with these groups is not clear. Unlike non-reproductive in some groups of animals, they can not get occasional breeding opportunities, because their gonads do not work. They can not be considered as servants in the nest, because their presence does not improve the reproductive success of the breeders. Recent research shows that they are only queuing for the area occupied by the breeder, that is anemone; Nonbreeders who live in association with breeders have a better chance of eventually securing the territory than nonresidents. The probability that the fish rise in rank in this queue is equal to the number of individuals who survive at least one of its dominance because the individual promotes if one of his dominations dies, and not only when the dominant dies directly.
The development of fish from adolescence to adulthood depends on the hierarchical system, and can be described as density dependent. Aggression is involved in this small family, though usually not between men and women. Aggression usually exists between men. The largest men suppress the development of the next smallest male, and the cycle continues until the smallest fish is expelled from the host anemone. In each anemone, the species's arrangement is controlled by the female, since the amount of space for the fish in the anemone is directly proportional to the size of its body (which eventually reaches maximum), so he eventually controls the size of the other fish. A. Percula is a very competitive fish and this causes smaller fish to experience stunted growth. There is the potential for fish to rise in rank by challenging the dominant ones. This depends on the relative body size of the two fish, and is very unlikely to occur since A. percula maintains a well-defined size difference between the adjacent individuals in the ranks. However, in an aquarium, these fish are peaceful, and can live in an aquarium environment well.
Fish put their eggs in a safe place near the anemones from where they are easily protected, and parents can retreat to safety if danger threatens. Anemonefish usually lay their nests at night after a few days of carefully cleansing and checking the selected locations. The selected egg site is flat stone or slightly curved or some other item that has been dragged fish near their nest for that purpose. (In captivity, pots and placemat is an interesting choice.) First, the female deposits some eggs with her ovipositor (a whitish tube that descends from her stomach), makes a movement stretching over the surface, and then the male follows behind, fertilizing the egg- egg. After many passes, the nest is completed and will hatch in 6-8 days immediately after sunset, usually on a very dark night. Meanwhile, the males strongly protect the nest and endlessly fan the egg to provide proper oxygen circulation, and examine the bad eggs, which they eat before they can rot and damage more eggs. Women can help men take care of their nests. When it hatches, the larvae are free and swim toward moonlight and open ocean to ride the current and feed on plankton for about a week, before the still small metamorphosis badung returns to the reef and seeks the anemone to settle. Finally, the cycle repeats itself.
Recruitment is the number of individuals in certain species that can survive within a certain time period after the larval residence. The higher the recruitment rate, the greater the chance the larvae last long enough to become adult fish. Large food supplies, low predator threats, and availability of nearby anemones are all factors that affect their recruitment rates. A. percula , like most coral reef fish, has bipartite bipartite, which has a spreading pelagic larval stage, while the resident phase is immobile. At the end of the pelagic phase, the larvae begin to settle on the coral reefs and begin their recruitment process in the population. The larvae that successfully settle and join the population are called recruits. Anemonefish species are recruited to areas where fish are commonly found. Most anemonefish are attached at the site and do not move from one anemone to another spatially dispersed over several meters. It's just that it's always a dangerous venture for A. percula to be outside of its safe haven anemone, exposed to dangerous predators. They are also very bad swimmers, increasing the risk involved in traveling. Recruitment is basically the only method that can be used by fish to inhabit a new anemone. Finding a better life situation in a different anemone is not possible because every anemone is already occupied by other anemonefish species. Anemonefish are known to reproduce throughout the year when they are at lower latitudes and recruitment with these fish is anticipated to follow the same pattern.
Anemonefish is a special reef fish that lives inside the host anemone and is found in warmer waters in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, northwest of Australia, Southeast Asia, and Japan.
Both A. Percula and the anemone are in shallow water and the depth usually does not exceed 12 m with water temperature ranging between 25 and 28 Â ° C. The parent anemone, which is a tube-like organism that lives on the coral reef, usually occupied by only one species of anemone because one species defeats and excludes another when they inhabit the same parent anemone. Unless there is a significant size difference, two species of anemonefish show aggression against each other while trying to occupy the same master anemone. This is why the supply of the nearest anemone strongly affects the <Â> percula ability to achieve recruitment and survival in general.
The main parent anemone has anemonefish at high frequencies and the secondary host anemone has one at a relatively low frequency. The distribution and availability of marine anemones is limited by the activity of algae photosynthesis that occupies the anemone tentacles. Secondary hosts are usually only used if there are no severe primary hosts. When many different species of anemonefishes occupy the same habitat, they tend to spread on their own according to the smaller microhabitats and available anemone species. A. Percula and A. perideraion both live in the H. magnifica anemone, but A. percula has the highest selection ratio with S. gigantea . A study conducted by Elliot & amp; Mariscal in the area of ​​Madang, Papua New Guinea found that all of the censored anemones were occupied by
The development of A. percula is relatively fast. After the egg is fertilized, they are ready to hatch after about 6-7 days. After hatching, the larvae are very small and transparent except the eyes, egg yolk sac, and several colors throughout the body. The larvae then sink into the benthic environment, but then swim into the upper water column. Larvae spend about a week floating between plankton and transported by ocean currents. The larval stage ends when A. percula settles on the ocean floor. The process from the larval stage to the juvenile takes about a day. Rapid color development occurs during A. stage of adolescent juveniles' . During the juvenile stage, anemonefish must find the appropriate anemone host. Specific chemical components are used when finding their host. The chemical cues are different for each anemone. This leads to a preferential election when discovering their host anemone species. When A. percula comes in contact with the anemone, producing a protective mucous coat. The mucosal coat is developed with multiple interactions with the host anemone. A. percula dances around the anemone, touching the fins first to the tentacles and then the whole body during the first interaction with the anemone. This process can take several minutes or up to several hours. If A. Percula does not keep in touch with the host anemone, the protective mucus may be lost. A. Percula belongs to a group of fish that is not stung by nematocysts from anemones. If A. Percula does not have a protective mucous cover, it will sting. Other fish species that do not have mucosal cover are consumed by anemones.
External links
- "Amphiprion percula". Integrated Taxonomic Information System.
- Amphiprion Percula . LacepÃÆ'¨de, 1802. Retrieved through: World Register of Marine Species.
- The Wiki Aquarium article on Amphiprion Percula
- Original habitat data from AquaMaps
Source of the article : Wikipedia