Senin, 02 Juli 2018

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A chicken cock , also known as gamecock, cockerel or cock , is a male-male malt, usually a rooster ( Gallus gallus domesticus ).

Adult males aged less than a year are called chickens. The term "rooster" comes from the United States, and the term is widely used throughout North America, as well as Australia and New Zealand. The older term "chicken" or "cockerel", the latter showing young chickens, is used in England and Ireland.

"Roosting" is the act of perched on it for sleeping during the day, which is done by both genders. The rooster is polygamous, but can not keep some nests at once. He guards the common areas where his chickens nest, and attacks other roosters that enter his territory. During the day, a rooster often sits on a high perch, typically 0.9 to 1.5 m (3 to 5 feet) from the ground, to serve as a watchdog for the group (hence the term "rooster"). He sounds a special alarm call if the predator is nearby and will often crow to confirm his territory.

Video Rooster


The rooster almost always starts to crow before the age of four months. Although it is possible to roast chicken also, crowing (along with the development of hackles) is one of the most obvious signs of being a rooster.

Rooster is often described as crowing at dawn ("cock-a-doodle-doo"). However, while many rooster crows shortly after waking up, this idea is not entirely true. A rooster can and will crow anytime during the day. Some roosters are especially aggressive, crowing almost constantly, while others only crow several times a day. These differences depend on both the chicken type and the individual personality. A rooster is often seen sitting on a hedge post or other object, where he crows to proclaim his territory.

Rooster has some other calls as well, and can bluff, similar to chicken. Roosters sometimes make a series of breads to pull chicken into a food source, just like a hen does for her children.

Rooster crowing contest

The rooster crowing contest is a traditional sport in several countries, such as Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, USA, Indonesia and Japan. The oldest contest was held with longcrowers. Depending on the type, either crow duration or the time the rooster crows within a certain time is measured.

Maps Rooster


A capon is a castrated cock. In the caponization procedure, the bird testis is completely removed; Surgical procedures are necessary for this because the hero's sexual organ is internal. As a result of this procedure, certain male physical characteristics will experience stunted development:

  • The comb and broker stop growing after castration, making the head of the capon look dwarfed.
  • Broken fur, tail and saddle grow very long.

Caponization also affects the disposition of birds. The removal of the bird testis eliminates male sex hormones, reduces male sex instinct and changes their behavior: birds become more docile, less active, and less likely to fight.

This procedure produces unique types of poultry that are preferred by special markets. Unpasteurized chicken meat has a tendency to be rough, stringy and tough like the age of birds. This process does not occur in the capon. Because the caponized rooster grows slower than the males intact, they accumulate more body fat. The concentration of good fats in light and dark areas of capon meat is greater than in unconfident men. Overall, it is often thought that capon meat is softer, watery, and flavorful than regular chickens.

Rooster crowing - White Leghorn Rooster Crowing In The Morning ...


Cockfighting is a contest held on a ring called a cockpit between two gamers or a chicken, with the first use of the word gamecock (showing the use of chicken in games, sports, entertainment or entertainment) that appeared in 1646. after the term "rooster" of the game " used by George Wilson, in the earliest known book on the secular sport of cockfighting at The Commendation of Cocks and Cock Fighting in 1607. Gamecocks are not ordinary chicken chickens, especially those raised and trained to improve stamina and strength.The comb and wipe are removed from young gamers because, if left intact, they will be a loss during the game.This process is called dubbing.Sometimes chickens are given drugs to increase their stamina or thicken their blood, which increases their chances of winning. Cockfighting is considered a traditional sporting event by some, and an example of animal cruelty by others and hence prohibited in most countries. Usually a bet is made on the outcome of the match, with survival or the latter standing declared the winner. There is a religious meaning and aspect of rooster and cockfight exemplified by Tabuh Rah religious beliefs, religious and spiritual cockfights in which roosters are used in religious custom by allowing him to fight other roosters in the spiritual exaltation of Hindu Bali exercises Tabuh Rah, a a form of animal sacrifice, where ritual fights usually occur outside the temple and follow ancient and complex rituals as set out in a sacred palmar text. Similarly in Christian religious schemes and cockfights in religious, spiritual and sacred contexts, there are many representations of roosters or chickens and cockfights as religious ships found in the Catacombs from the earliest periods as well as similar illustrations of roosters in battle positions taken from Vivian Bible.

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The cockerel "waltz"

The cockerel "waltz", when the cockerel struts in a semicircle with one wing extended downwards, is an aggressive approach that signifies female dominance, and usually, women will bow by running or away from the cockerel in recognition. On rare occasions, the chickens will try to fight the rooster for dominance. Once the dominance is established, the chicken will rarely waltz again. When other chickens are in the chicken yard, this waltz is used significantly more and most chickens will be together if dominance has not been established; one will retreat, or two chickens will fight. Note also that the cockerel will swing again if he is removed from the pen for a period of time, usually 24 hours, and reinserted.

Some of the more aggressive chickens will drop and extend both wings and puff up all their body feathers to give the chicken or other chick the impression of a larger size, and fill through the chicken pages.

Ayam Cemani Rooster No. 3 - Kingdom by Randal Ford

Religious and spiritual belief systems

Since ancient roosters have been, and still are, sacred animals in some cultures and deeply embedded in various religious belief systems and religious worship. The term "Persian bird" for the chicken seems to have been given by the Greeks after Persian contact "because of the utmost importance and use of religion among the Persians", but even long before that time, in Iran, during the Kianian Period, from about 2000 BC around 700 BC, "chicken is the most sacred"

Animism, shamanism and tribal religion

In Southeast Asia, the understanding and interpretation of indigenous beliefs about the worship of spirits and gods remains strong and for many who practice Christians there is still an adoration of the traditional spirit (anito) as in the northern Philippines. Animistic beliefs extend to roosters and cockfights, "the popular form of fertility worship among virtually all Southeast Asians" is further regarded by some in Judeo-Christian ethics as the form of Baal or Baalim.

Aluk or Aluk To Dolo a Hindu Dharma sect as part of a religion in Indonesia, in Toraja society and Tana Toraja community, embracing religious rituals such as funerary ceremonies where sacred cockfights are an integral part of religious ceremonies and are considered sacred in the spiritual realm. In some myths, chickens have the power to revive the dead or make hope come true and are well known in Toraja cosmology.

Kaharingan, an animist folk religion from the Iban branch of the Dayak, was accepted as a form of Hinduism by the Indonesian government, including the supreme beliefs of the gods and cocks and cockfights in connection with the spiritual and religious and some with the belief that humans became gods cocks, with Iban increasingly trusting roosters and cockfights were introduced to them by the gods. Dayak Dayak festival gangs include cockfights and waving cockerels over offerings while asking for guidance and blessings with sacrificed roosters and blood included in spiritual offerings, while the Tiwah festival involves the sacrifice of many animals including chickens as offerings to God Almighty.

Ikenga, an ally of the Igboans in southeastern Nigeria needs consecration before the use of religion with offerings that include the sacrificial blood of a rooster or ram for spirit.

Miao (ie Hmong) is an animist, shamanist and ancestor worshiper with confidence that is influenced in various levels by Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity. On Miao New Year there may be sacrifices of domestic animals and there may be cockfights. The Hmong of Southeast Guizhou will cover the rooster with a piece of red cloth and then hold it for worship and sacrifice to Heaven and Earth. In Shamanism in the Hmong culture, a shaman can use a rooster in a religious ceremony as it is said that the rooster protects the shaman from the "evil spirit" by making him invisible because the evil spirits only see the rooster spirit. In the 2010 trial of Sheboygan Wisconsin Hmong who was accused of a cockfight, it was stated that the rooster "is kept for food and religion", resulting in liberation. In Viet Nam, fighting with rooster or rooster is often called "holy chicken".

SanterÃÆ'a originating from Cuba from native Caribbean culture, Catholicism, and Yoruba religion in West Africa "sacrifices ritual chicken".

Khasi people believe the rooster is sacrificed as a human substitute, it is considered that the chicken when sacrificed "bears the sin of man" (See also Kapport's similarity in Judaism)

The oral history of Yoruba tells of God taking down the Oduduwa down from the sky, the ancestor of all people, bringing with him rooster, some dirt, and palm kernels. The dirt was thrown into the water and the chicken scratched it to form the soil, and the seed grew into a tree with sixteen limbs, sixteen original kingdoms.

"The sacrifice of chicken and cockfighting rituals is part of the Imbolc celebration in honor of the pan-Celts of the Brigher goddess". In the 20th century, Imbolc was raised as a religious festival in Neopaganism, especially in Wicca, Neo-druidry and Celtic Reconstructionism.


It has been understood that the Zodiac constellation in the astrological system of belief, "the religion of the stars", comes from the ancient land of Babylon (including modern Iraq). Knowledge of the True Master Shepherd (SIPA.ZI.AN.NA - Orion and the accompanying animal symbol, The Rooster, with both representing reporters from the gods, are divinely appointed roles to communicate the messages of the gods. "Heavenly Shepherd" or "The True Shepherd of Anu" - Who is the main god of the heavenly realm In a star map, the figure of the Rooster is shown below and behind the figure of the True Shepherd, both representing reporters from the gods, in the form of birds and human beings respectively.

Nergal, the idol of Assyria, Babylonia, Phoenician, and Persia, whose name means, "a dunghill chicken." (Phrase and Fable Dictionary, Brewer, 1900) Astrological mythology of the Assyria and Babylonia is that the idol "Nergal represents the planet Mars, which has been a symbol of bloodshed."

Rooster is one tenth of the twelve animal symbols in the Chinese zodiac.

It is suggested that the Pleiades are called Frigg or Freya chickens by the Norse. That the three stars of the Orion belt called the Distaff of Frigg seems undeniable -.

See also Kukkuta Literature in Divination.

Norse mythology

In Norse mythology, a crowd of three certain roosters occurred at the beginning of the event predicted by RagnarÃÆ'¶k. In poetry VÃÆ'¶luspÃÆ'¡ , a reference to RagnarÃÆ'¶k starts from stanzas 40 to 58, with the rest of the poem describing the consequences. In poetry, a vÃÆ'¶lva - a Nore seeress - reads the information to god Odin's quest for wisdom. In verse 41, vÃÆ'¶lva says:

VÃÆ'¶lva then describes three rooster crows: In stanza 42, the shepherd jÃÆ'¶tunn EggthÃÆ' Â © r sits on a mound and cheerily plays his harp while the frosted cock Fjalar (Old Norse "concealer, swindler") crows in the forest ¡LgviÃÆ'Â ° r. Gullinkambi golden rooster crowed to ÃÆ' â € sir at Valhalla, and the third, an anonymous nameless rooster crowing in the alleys of Hel's bottom location in stanza 43.

Poetry FjÃÆ'¶lsvinnsmÃÆ'¡l also mentions a rooster named VÃÆ'ÂÆ'Â ° ÃÆ'³pnir. According to his poetry, the rooster sits on the Mammamei tree, possibly another name for the cosmological tree Yggdrasil center.


Bayon Temple is an ancient Buddhist temple that also combines Hindu cosmological elements including "illustration of chicken coffin" inside the temple wall. which continues today in the debate of "the sanctity of religion"

With the babbling guys from the Wat Suwankhiri Buddhist temple on the nearby Payathonsu cliff, during April, the Three Pagodas Pass became the site of the Songkran Festival with a cock fight.

The sacred Buddhist Buddhas created in the religious scheme, created and blessed in various temples in Thailand, many depict Buddha with a chicken in a fighting, holy position in that religion.

Birds that symbolize greed in the Tibetan Buddhist paintings are sometimes referred to as chickens.


Divination, part of many religions comes from the Latin divinare to predict, to be inspired by gods and as part of the forecast came alektryomancy, which means chicken and prophecy respectively, for the purpose of communication between the gods and the man in whom the astrologer observes a rooster, pecking the grain, with Judaism forbidding predictions in the Hebrew Bible Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 . Alectormancy though also sacrificing the holy chicken, with the use of holy chicken through alektryomancy is further understood in the character of religion and also defined as a rooster fights or a cock or chicken fight with the intent of communication between god and man.

Kukkuta Literature (Astrological Chicken) is a form of divination based on a rooster fight and is generally believed to be in the coastal district of Andhra Pradesh, India. This is prevalent in the state, especially in the districts of Krishna, Guntur, East Godavari and West Godavari and Sankranti festivals.


Karthikeya Hindu war god is depicted with a rooster above his flag. A Surapadman split into two and its parts turned into a peacock (mount) and a rooster in its flag.

Hindu Bali includes the religious beliefs of Tabuh Rah, a religious cockpit where the cock is used to fight other cock. Altar and god Ida Ratu Saung can be seen with a rooster in his hand with the bloodshed needed as purification to calm the evil spirits. Ritual battles usually occur outside the temple precisely and follow the ancient and complicated rituals ascribed to the sacred texts of the lontar.

Similarly, the popular Hindu ritual form of worship in North Malabar in Kerala, India is a blood offering to the Theyyam gods. Though banned in the Vedic philosophy of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, Theyyam's gods are prayed through the sacrifice of the cocks whereby the cockfight of religion is a religious exercise to offer blood to the god Theyyam.

Pongal or Makar Sankranti is a Hindu harvest festival. In the southern states of Tamil Nadu and western states of Gujarat, the celebration is a rooster fight known as Seval Sandai or Kozhi kettu. It is also practiced in Tulunadu. Kozhi kettu organized as part of a religious event is allowed.


The Samaritans or 'Cutheans' are an ethnic group with a long history, having spread widely and strongly. From Assyria they extend to India, China, Arabia Petraea and Abyssinia. They were also introduced by the Assyrian Empire to Samaria, in a mass deportation policy. They had their Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim, opposite the Temple in Jerusalem, and they worshiped the god Mesopotamia Nergal: its symbol is a chicken (rooster).


Zohar (iii.2bb, 23a, 49b), a book of Jewish mysticism and a collection of writings on the Torah written by the first century wise Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi), tells of the celestial embodiment, which causes the chickens to chaos; also known in the Talmud, is "the Most High who has given the chicken intelligence", (60b). and Job 38:36 in the Douay-Rheims Bible.

Not only "In rabbinic literature, rooster is used as a common time sign", but also some wise men interpreting "rooster" means the voice of the Temple officials calling all the priests, the Levites, and the Israelites for their task. and is used like that because Hebrew gever is used also means "chicken cock" other than the meaning of "human, strong man".

The Talmud also gives the statement "If the Torah is not given to us, we will learn the courtesy of the cat, the honest hard work of the ant, the sanctity of the doves and the valor of the chickens" - (Jonathan ben Nappaha. Talmud: Erubin 100b ), which can be further understood about the courage of cocks taken in the context of a religious vessel of the "girt one of the loins" which is "magnificent in step" and "magnificent moves read" in Proverbs 30:29 -31. Sa? Adiah ben Yosef Gaon (Saadia Gaon) identifies the definitive nature of "a rooster held around the waist" in Proverbs 30:31 (Douay-Rheims Bible) as "their honesty of behavior and success", identifying the spiritual purpose of a religious ship in a scheme religious and spiritual instincts of purpose and usage, in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

The Hebrew term zarzir, which literally means "girt"; "what is girt at the waist" (BDB 267 s.v.) is recognized in the Targum as well as Chaldaic, Syriac, Arabic, LXX and Vulgate with all references of fighting cock or rooster as a religious ship. The Hebrew version of Hebrew identifies the Hebrew "girt one of the loins" of Proverbs 30:31 as a rooster, "most of the old and Rabbi translations understood as rooster", as well as the Arabic sarsar or sirsir which is onomatopoeticon or onomatopoeia for chickens male (alektor) as the Hebrew zarzir of Proverbs 30:31. "The rooster (Gallus domesticus) has been identified with Lachish from the early Iron II", but even previously not excluded, which corresponds to "as for Palestine, the earliest chicken bone is in the Age Iron strata in Lakhis and Katakan Hasben". Next we see the rooster placed in the Star of David, known in Hebrew as the Shield of David or Magen David and recognizing the identity of Judaism and Judaism. In excavations at Gibeon, near Jerusalem, dating to the seventh century BC, the mound of soil was found sliced ​​with cocks and "some of them placed inside the six-pointed star of Magen David". The seal of Jaazaniah carried the badge of a rooster from the ruins of the biblical Judean kingdom at Mizpah, with the words "Jaazaniah's, servant to the king." The first known representation of the chickens in Palestine, and from II Kings 25:23, we know one Jaazaniah the Maschathit, who was an official under Gedalish rule at Mizpa.

Plutarch said that the inhabitants of Caria brought a rooster on their spearhead and connected the origin with Artaxerxes, who gave the Karies who was said to have killed Cyrus the Younger at Cunaxa's battle in 401 BC "the privilege of bringing ever after the golden chickens on his spear before the ranks first of the soldiers on all expeditions "and Karia also put on a crested helmet at the time of Herodotus, for which" the Persian gave the names of the theens. " These are the Carites in 2 Kings 11 used by Jehoiada to protect Joash the son of Ahaziah from the lineage of David, the ancestor of Christ from Ataliah.

In the Jewish religious practice of Kapparos, a rooster as a religious ship was swept around the head and then slaughtered in the afternoon before Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The meat is distributed among the poor for their pre-fast food. The purpose of this ritual is the denial of human sin when animals symbolically accept all human sin, based on the reconciliation of Isaiah 1:18. The religious practice was mentioned for the first time by Natronai ben Hilai, Gaon of the Sura Academy in Babylon, in 853 AD, which describes it as a Babylonian Jewish custom and further explained by Jewish scholars in the ninth century because the Hebrew Geber (Gever) means "male" and "rooster" roosters can act or serve as a palpable substitute as religious vessels in place of men with practice also has become a habit of Persian Jews.


In East Timor, one of the two predominantly Christian countries in Southeast Asia (the other Philippines), for some people, the roof of the house is reserved for gods and ancestral spirits, the bottom remains for natural spirits and is usually occupied by animals, and chickens are admired for courage and persistence, with the courage of a man compared to a chicken, with regular cock fighting and "many tais designs including chickens". Opinions and words. Kosuke Koyama who spread the Christian Gospel while in Indonesia, this morning I said to myself, "I will try to bring the gospel of Christ through the medium of cockfighting!" can be understood further not only in the spiritual understanding of many people in Indonesia but further in light of the representation of many roosters or as religious ships found in the Catacombs from the earliest period including paintings of the Catacomb of St. Priscilla (mentioned in all ancient liturgical sources and known as the "Queen of the Catacombs" in ancient times) reproduced in Giovanni Gaetano Bottari's folio in 1754, where the Good Shepherd was described as feeding the lambs, with roosters crowing in his right and left hands. Similarly in the Christian Tomb of the Cocks in Beit Jibrin, which is a Palestinian Arab village located 13 miles northwest of the city of Hebron and part of the Kingdom of Israel, "we found two vibrant chickens painted red in spandrels with a cross right at over the center of the arch ". Similarly many sarcophagi are found with roosters and cockfights with the understanding of fighting for awakening and eternal life in Christianity. This sacred subject is carved in an early Christian grave, where sepulchral carving has an important purpose, "a loyal desire for immortality, with the victory of the chicken and its support genius analogous to the hope of resurrection, the victory of the soul over death." A similar illustration of the rooster in a fighting position is found in the Vivian Bible and also the battle in the capital of St. Basilica. Andoche in Saulieu and Cathà ©  © drale Saint-Lazare d'Autun provides "alternative documentation" of rooster and cockfight, spiritual, and holy.

The four canonical Gospels state that, either during or after the Last Supper, Jesus foretold the denial of Peter (St. Peter) and that he would deny Christ three times before the rooster crow.

Augustine of Hippo, a prominent Catholic saint and Doctor of the Church understands the "apparent sign of the invisible reality" of the rooster to include that as St. Augustine in DeOrdine explains as "in every movement these animals are not filled with no reason which is agile because, of course, another higher reason is to guide everything they do ".

In the sixth century, it was assumed that Pope Gregory I declared the Christian cock symbol of Christianity saying the rooster was "the most suitable Christian symbol", becoming the "symbol of St. Peter". Some say that it is as a result of this that chickens began to be used as weather vanes in church towers, and some of the ninth-century endorsements ordered a chicken figure to be placed in every church tower. It is known that Pope Leo IV has a chicken figure placed in St. Peter's Old Basilica or an old Constantine basilica and has served as a religious icon and a reminder of Peter's denial of Christ since then, with some churches still having roosters. in today's church tower. Alternative theories about the origin of the weathercock in the church tower is that it is the epitome of the priest's vigilance that calls people to pray, that it comes from the Goth and may only be a Christian symbol, and it is the symbol of the sun.

Persian Vatican Chicken showing a sacred and religious ship recognized by and from the Vatican, "girt one of the loins" of Proverbs 30:31, Hebrew zarzir, Arabic sarsar, Greek alector, French coq, Persian bird, Persian chicken or rooster which are acknowledged from the Hebrew Torah, the Old Testament of Christ, the Scriptures of Job, Isaiah and the Apostle John, Luke, Matthew and Mark, and the gospel of Jesus Christ may still be seen further through the "Bible Dictionary" which tells us that "Pindar (ca. 522-443 BC), mentioning the chicken Homer (ca. 800-750 BC) the name of a man "gever" said for chicken and Aristophanes (ca. 446 BC - ca. 386 BC) called it a Persian bird. "

In the 1070s Bayeux Tapestry, originally from the Bayeux Cathedral and now on display at Bayeux in Normandy, there is a portrayal of a man who installed a rooster in Westminster Abbey.

The cornerstone is the first stone that was erected to build the foundation of stone and over time became a ceremonial stone by laying stone which is generally important metaphorically in sacred architecture. Frazer (2006: p.Ã, 106) in tells us that, "In modern Greece, when the foundations of new buildings are being laid, it is customary to kill a chicken, ram or a child sheep, and let his blood flow on the foundation stone. "


The spiritual spiritual understanding of the cocker in Islam, can be evidenced in the words of Muhammad from the religion of Ibrahim in one of the six collections of hadiths of the Sunni Islamic Hadith, declaring that "when you hear a cock crows, ask God's blessings because they have seen angels".


Many roosters are found around the Shinto shrine, with roosters associated with the Amaterasu solar goddess.


In Taoism, Hanshi and Hanshi spring festivals is when the fire is not used and then relit. Since fire, like the chicken symbol and the sun symbol, temporarily extinguished and then relit. In the Taoist aspect of religion, to have roosters fighting with other roosters, is the same substance as the custom of renewal of fire, in which the rooster and cockfight then take its place as an irreplaceable spring ritual, and "Taoism, which judges positively in this form, can be assumed to have ensured its sustainable existence ". The Hanshi Festival eventually moved to coincide with the Qingming Festival or the Pure Brightness Festival which still includes chicken and chicken fighting.


Zoroastrianism, claimed to be "the oldest of the revealed world religions" and founded by the Zoroastrian Prophet (or Zarathustra) opposes animal sacrifice but holds the rooster as a "light symbol" and connects the chickens with "goodness against evil" due to heraldic actions. In Iran during the Kianian Period, from about 2000 BC. until about 700 BC, among domestic birds, "the chicken is the most sacred" and in that religion, the obedient, "has a rooster to guard it and cast out an evil spirit".

Year of the Rooster: Your 2017 Chinese Horoscope


The cockerel was of symbolic importance in Gaul at the time of the invasion of Julius Caesar and attributed to the god Lugus. Today the Gallic rooster is the emblem of France. Rooster is also a symbol of Wallonia and the Turkish city of Denizli.

Among the Roman gods, Priapus is sometimes described as a chicken, with its beak as a phallus and its brokers as testicles. Chickens or men with chicken whiz attributes are also used as erotic symbols, Priapus Gallinaceus

The Cockburn clan in Scotland uses chickens as their badges. The symbol of their canting is Argentine cocks gules, and their motto is ACCENDIT GENE (Latin: He encourages us with the song).

The combat fighter on the ball is a symbol of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. Cockerel wears a pair of spurs that are a reference to the club's nickname. It has been present in their emblem and shield since 1901. In addition, the chicken is the emblem of Turkish sports club Denizlispor, which was founded in 1966. Also, the club's supporters are called cockerels. Another football club that uses rooster as its symbol is Clube Atlà © quico Mineiro, from Brazil. Club supporters and supporters of other Brazilian clubs often refer to Mineiro as "Galo", which means rooster in Portuguese.

The "Rooster Gila", simbol Clube Atlà © tico Mineiro.

In Australia, the Sydney Rooster, who plays in the National Rugby League has adopted a cockerel as his emblem. The Rooster symbol is a rooster with a comb formed to represent the Sydney Opera House.

Jesus College at the University of Cambridge displays roosters in his emblem, which is a pun on behalf of college founder John Alcock.

The University of South Carolina features Gamecock, or fighting cockerel, as its mascot for all athletic programs.

The Kenyan emblem has a rooster holding an ax.

The symbol of Chianti Classico is a black rooster.

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
