The Peter Recovery (also known as Re-commissioning Peter ) is an incident described in John 21 of the New Testament where Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, and spoke to Peter in particular. Jesus restored Peter to fellowship after Peter had previously rejected him, and told Peter to feed the sheep of Jesus.
Video Restoration of Peter
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The Resurrection of Jesus
Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples. The Gospel of John records a number of such appearances: to Mary Magdalene, to the disciples not including Thomas, and then to the disciples including Thomas. This episode is part of the fourth resurrection appearance in the Gospel of John.
Peter's rejection
The four Gospels record Peter's denial of Jesus, and all the synoptic gospels record how Peter "wept bitterly" after the rooster crowed. John omits this detail, but he is unique in describing the recovery scene between Jesus and Peter. The words of Jesus in Mark 16: 7, however, are often considered to carry the message of Peter's restoration: "But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He will precede you into Galilee...'" (NIV).
Paul Barnett notes that Jesus' approach to Peter in John 21 is "both forgiving and harsh".
Meeting by the sea
In John 21, Peter goes fishing with six other disciples. They did not catch fish all night, but in the morning Jesus met them, and told them to throw their net on the other side of the ship. When they do, there is a magical catch of 153 fish.
Jesus and his disciples had breakfast on the beach. Jesus prepares breakfast, including charcoal fire. Peter also stood by the fire when he denied Jesus. After they had finished eating, Jesus spoke primarily to Peter.
Maps Restoration of Peter
Cost triple Jesus to Peter
Comparison with Peter's rejection
Earlier Peter had denied Jesus three times. Now, in response to Jesus' question, Peter confirms his love for Jesus three times. William Hendriksen notes several other correspondences between this episode and Peter's denial. For example, it is a charcoal fire (?????????) where Peter first denied Jesus (John 18:18), and is now asked to confess his love to his master (John 21: 9). Ben Witherington III pointed out that "John has a threefold restoration that takes place in the same place where the triple denial is.It's like revisiting the scene of evil, only this time doing it right."
"Do you love me more than this?"
Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me more than this?" The Greek text is ambiguous about what is meant by "this", and D. A. Carson notes that there are three possibilities:
- Do you love me more than you love these students?
- Do you love me more than you love this fishing gear?
- Do you love me more than any other disciples do?
Carson himself chose the third option. Adrienne von Speyr argues, "God expects that Peter should love him more than any other, more than John, who remains personified, and he must also have personal knowledge about this. more ) This expectation is a direct loading Peter, an overtaxing that starts here and will reach the end to the end of time... More than this also means: more than those who previously only knew personal love. "
Two words are used for "love"
The dialogue between Jesus and Peter contains two different words for "love," which some, but not all, commentators regard as exegetical significance. The words are agapao (verb form of the noun agape ) and phileo (verb form of the noun philia ). The dialogue takes place as follows:
- Jesus asked, "Are you my agapao?"
- Peter replied, "I'm your phileo."
- Jesus asked, "Are you my agapao?"
- Peter replied, "I'm your phileo."
- Jesus asks, "Are you my phileo?"
- Peter replied, "I'm your phileo."
This was brought out in 1984 (but not the 2011 edition) of the NIV, which made agapao the "true love" and phileo as "love". Ben Witherington III shows that this shows "Jesus' humble attitude to the level that Peter is ready to prepare at this point." William Hendriksen argues that in his third question, Jesus questions even "subjective attachment" and Peter's affection, and that is why he says "Peter is sad because he said to him for the third time..." (John 21:17).
Other commentators, such as D. A. Carson, reject the idea of ​​the difference between the meaning of the two words. According to Thomas J. Lane, "Since the early centuries, it has been debated whether there is any significance for Peter responding with different verbs of love and for the third question Jesus uses the same love verb like Peter, while the majority opinion has swayed to and fro -normal for centuries, the general opinion now is that, since these two verbs of love are used interchangeably in this Gospel, there is no special meaning for their use here in [John] 21: 15-17 Keener has done the study of exchange they are in John, showing that they are used even to describe the Father who loves Jesus. "
In his book The Lord, Romano Guardini says that the second and third questions of Jesus made Peter never again answer him with his "old beliefs," making him more humble and aware that he was being punished for "tripling his betrayal. ".
Peter is designated as a shepherd
In response to the three statements of Peter's love for him, Jesus gave Peter three commandments: "Feed my lambs"/"Take care of my sheep"/"Feed my sheep". Jesus commands Peter back as an apostle and leader in the church. "Sheep" is a common metaphor in the New Testament to refer to the people of God. This is the origin of the word "priest", which means "shepherd".
The 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia argues that the title "Vicar of Christ", given to the Pope, is based on these words of Jesus, "by which He is the prince of the Apostles of all his flocks in his own place , thus making it His Vicar and fulfilling the promise made in Matthew 16: 18-19. "Protestant theologians such as DA Carson argue that" no exceptions or invisible authority authority "is found in this passage. Writing from an Orthodox perspective, Victor Potapov argues that the word "feeding" does not signify "supreme authority of shepherding," but only "the right pastor's authority and responsibility for all the apostles and their successors."
Jesus' prediction of Peter's death
Jesus then describes Peter's future to him, and says "others will dress you up and lead you where you do not want to go" (John 21:18, NIV). The narrator interprets this as referring to Peter's martyrdom (John 21:19). According to a tradition found in the Acts of Peter, Peter was crucified upside down.
"Follow me"
Having said all of the above, Jesus said to Peter, "Follow Me" (John 21:19). Romano Guardini argues, "Here also an event of the past is reminded, altered, and continued." At that moment Peter becomes happy again because he realizes that he has been forgiven, and then he continues "something of his old carelessness".
Source of the article : Wikipedia