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Chew Valley Lake | Bristol Water Fisheries

Chew Valley Lake is a large reservoir in the Chew Valley, Somerset, England, and Britain's fifth largest artificial lake (the largest in southwest England), with area of ​​1,200 hectares (4.9 km²). The lake, created in the early 1950s and opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1956, provides plenty of drinking water for the city of Bristol and its suburbs, taking its supply from the Mendip Hills. Some of the water from the lake is used to keep the flow on the Chew River.

Before the lake was invented, archaeological investigations were carried out which show evidence of occupation since Neolithic times and include Roman artefacts. This lake is an important site for wildlife and has been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Protection Area (SPA). It is a national center for birdwatching, with more than 260 species recorded. The lake has native water birds and migrants throughout the year, and two natural trails have been created. Flora and fauna provide habitat for some less common plants and insects.

Some limited use for leisure activities is permitted by the owner, Bristol Water, including sailing and fishing, especially for trout.

Video Chew Valley Lake

Location Edit

Chew Valley Lake is in the Chew Valley on the northern edge of Mendip Hill, surrounded by grasslands and forests and close to Chew Stoke, Chew Magna and Bishop Sutton villages. When it was built in 1950, 1,200 hectares (4.9 km²) were flooded with 4.500 million gallons of imperial (20,000,000 mÃ,³) of water from Mendip hills, with a catchment area of ​​14,000 hectares (57Ã, km ²). It is shallow, with an average depth of 14 feet (4 m) at the top level and a maximum depth of only 37 ft (11 m). It is fed by a small stream, and flows into the Chew River for 17 miles (27 km) before joining Avon to get to the sea. The deepest part is near the dam and the outlet tower, where the steep banks of the Walley Bank and the northern edge produce depths of up to 20 feet (6 m). "Denny Island", on a year-round surface, is a forest and provides a habitat for wildlife.

The lake is owned and operated by Bristol Water, which created it in 1956 when demand became too large for nearby Blagdon Lake. Working with the Avon Wildlife Trust, the Somerset Wildlife Trust, and other environmental groups, Bristol Water has encouraged various species of birds and plants, and created a place for visitors.

It has two beautiful picnic areas. Facilities include a tea shop, with indoor and outdoor seating areas with lake views, and an information center. There is a souvenir shop and a small art gallery and two nature trails. The Grebe Trail is a harsh track, all weather suitable for pedestrians, wheelchairs and wheelchairs and includes a 0.75 mile (1.2 km) long circuit, starting and finishing in wooded picnic areas. The Bittern Trail is reached from the Grebe Trail by a bridge over Hollow Brook. Grassy lanes are often inundated in winter, but there are sidewalks above short sections. The trail runs along the east coast, visits the open bird hide and returns to the pedestrian bridge, making the circuit 1-mile (1.5 kilometers). Bristol Water enforces requirements on visitors, especially with regard to areas where dogs are allowed.

Maps Chew Valley Lake

Access and transportation Edit

Access to the waters is limited in some places to reduce disturbance to wildlife. The path around the lake is generally flat and, where the track appears, wheelchair access is possible.

Visitors are formally invited to use public transportation, but arrive in private cars, driven by the provision of parking spaces. The route "Chew Valley Explorer" route 672/674 provides access.

In 2002, a 3-kilometer safe cycle route, The Green Lake West Chew Route, opened along B3114 in the western part of the lake. It is part of Padstow to Bristol West Country Way, National Cycle Network Route 3. It has all the weather, provides seamless off-road facilities for ramblers, visitors with challenging mobility and cyclists of all abilities. It was funded by Bath and North East Somerset Council with the support of the Sustrans and Chew Valley Recreational Trail Association. Small roads around the lake are also often used by cyclists.

Bristol Airport is about 10 miles (15 km) away. The nearest main road is the A368, which runs along the southern edge of the lake and provides access from Bath and Weston super Mare. A37 and A38 slightly further away, providing access from Bristol. Car parking is available at the visitors center and Woodford Lodge, where fees are made, and a small number of parking spaces are available at various points around the lake; some of which are limited to those with fishing permits.

Chew valley lake,somerset | taken from a quadcopter | Flickr

History Edit

The area of ​​the lake was once a rich agricultural land. Livestock and houses should be moved before the land is flooded, and old roads, hedges and tree stumps can reappear when dry dry season causes the lake level to decline. Prior to the flooding of the reservoirs, archaeological excavations were carried out by Philip Rahtz and Ernest Greenfield employed by the Ministry of Works, from 1953 to 1955. Excavations found evidence of people belonging to successive periods known as Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic (Ages Old, Medium and New Stone), Bronze Age and Iron Age, including tools such as stone knives, flint knives and mace heads, along with buildings and cemeteries. Artifacts from this period are held at Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery. Further evidence of the Neolithic and Bronze Age occupations is provided by archaeological surveys from the Mendip Hills Area of ​​Extraordinary Natural Beauty.

Excavations have also revealed the remains of the Romans, showing agricultural and industrial activity from the second half of the first century to the 3rd century. The findings include villas at Chew Park where wood-writing tablets (the first in the UK) with ink writing are found. The tablets were delivered to the British Museum, but other Roman materials were on display at the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery with other historic lakeside artifacts.

Further excavations around the village of Moreton, which have now been completely submerged, find evidence of a growing community in medieval times and perhaps the remains of the Santa Cruz Convent. During medieval agriculture was the most important activity in the area covered by lakes, supported by four flour mills supported by the Chew River. Stratford Mill was destroyed and re-established on the grounds of the Blaise Castle Museum, north-west of Bristol. The largest settlement is Moreton, which is listed in the Domesday Book and survived until the flooding of the lake, when the remnants of Moreton Cross were moved to the Parish Church of Chew Stoke. There is evidence of lime kilns, which are used in mortar production for the construction of local churches. Farming, both cultivated and milk, continues until the flooding of lakes, with most households also raising pigs. There is a fruit orchard for fruit production, including apples, pears, and plums. Moreton was also the site of a gunpowder factory in the 18th century.

Reservoir Edit

Plans for the construction of the reservoir were under discussion before the Second World War, and the Parliament Act filed by the Bristol Water Company was adopted in 1939. After this, the ponds were bought by the company and cultivated by the previous owners as tenancies. The remaining farms and buildings in private hands are obtained by mandatory purchases. Sanctions for construction were granted in 1949 and contracts were awarded to A.E. Farr, which employs 300 people on the site. The main dam is stabilized by injecting the concrete into cracks in the bedrock. The core of the dam is made of clay mixed with sand. This is the first time the power generated by the use of sand channels has been quantified. The lake was inaugurated by Queen Elizabeth II, accompanied by Prince Philip, with the opening of a memorial stone and plaque, which can be seen from the dam, on April 17, 1956, though not full until 25 February 1958. The flowers are presented to the Queen at the opening of Chew Valley Lake by Judith Blair Brown, daughter of Kennedy Brown, who worked at Bristol Water Works at the time of the lake's construction.

During the July 10, 1968 storm, the lake gained an imperial gallon of 471 million (2,140,000 mÃ,³) and rose 19Ã, inches (480 mm) in less than 12 hours. At one point worried Bristol police issued a warning that the dam might not stand it, prompting local evacuation of downstream valley areas including Pensford and Keynsham.

Chew Valley lake, Chew Stoke, and Chew Magna, Near Bristol ...

Ecology Edit

The lake is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Protection Area (SPA) (Site Code: UK9010041) mainly due to the diversity of species and habitats. Providing further protection, many areas around the lake are also within the Mendip Hills Area of ​​Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The lake appears to have higher levels of sedimentation than would be expected in other similar reservoirs, located in the 100-150Ã ©, -2 .yr -1 region.

Geology Edit

The main geological outcrop around the lake is clay, largely composed of red mudstone that produces the underlying characteristics of a gently spinning valley landscape. The sandstone band from the Triassic period contributed to the undulating character of the area. There are also newer alluvial deposits beside the flow of the Chew River.

Bird Edit

More than 260 species of birds have been recorded at Chew, an important international site for winter and wild bird migration. From late July to February, up to 4,000 ducks (Anatidae) from twelve different species can be present, including the internationally important northern shoveler number ( Anly clypeata ) and gadwall < i> Anas strepera ). Up to 600 large grendes ( Podiceps cristatus ) gather to throw lakes in the fall. Data of bird species and their number in lakes, dating back to the first "ring" in 1964, are available from the Chew Valley Ringing Station.

Many other birds can be seen, especially during the spring and fall migrations. Sand martins ( Riparia riparia ) arrive early and can usually be seen peddling water for insects in the second or third week of March. Breast flocks (Paridae), swallows (Hirundinidae) and terns (Sternidae) are regularly visible. Waders, like lapwings (Vanellus vanellus), dunlin (Calidris alpina) and the common snipe ( Gallinago gallinago ), are attracted to muddy beaches if the altitudes water down in autumn. In mid-winter up to 55,000 seagulls, most black-headed gulls ( Chroicocephalus ridibundus ) and common gulls ( Larus canus ), may wander. The number of good reed warblers ( Acrocephalus scirpaceus ) and bullies warblers ( A. Schoenobaenus ) lodged in fringed reeds, along with grebes (Podicipedidae) and Eurasian birds ( Fulica atra ).

Most of the management work done in nature reserves is aimed at encouraging ducks to multiply, and a small number of tufted ducks ( Aythya fuligula ), general pochards ( Aythya ferina ), common Shelduck ( Tadorna tadorna ) and gadwall improves brooding over the years. The latest breeding successes also include water rail (Rallus aquaticus ) and Cetti warbler ( Cettia cetti ).

A wetland reserve has been created in the Green Pool Heron on the opposite side of the road to the lake. A shallow pond watered by sediment (Cyperaceae), rushes (Juncaceae) and reedgrasses (Calamagrostis) and surrounded by meadows that are slightly loose and friable may also prove to be interesting for snip and lapwing.

Fish Edit

At the end of the summer a large group of roach (Rutilus rutilus ) and perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) fry gather around margins and weeds, which are inhabited by brown trout (< i> Salmo trutta morpha fario ) and rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ). The Chew Valley also has a large population of spears ( Esox lucius ), and fishing for this is allowed at certain times of the year.

Insects Edit

Aquatic strikers (Chironomidae) provide the highest proportion of life of flies in lakes. The trout (Salmonidae) will feed on the surface on this and the water boatman (Corixidae), and below the surface of the larvae and pupa caddisfly (Trichoptera); they will also take adult caddisflies when they appear. Other aquatic fauna including daphnia and snails are also found in lakes. Large populations of dragonflies, including migrant hawker (Audna mixta) and a large number of ruddy darter (Sympetrum sanguineum ), occur in lakes. Eleven species of wainscot moths make their homes on reed beds, including local brown wingcot (Archanara dissoluta), twin-spotted wearcots ( Archanara geminipuncta ) and wainscot silk ( Chilodes maritimus ).

Vegetation Edit

The lake is surrounded by fringing reedbeds, carr forests and meadows, which is managed by Bristol Water. Eutrophic water conditions with runoff from local fields and rivers. The open water plant community is somewhat sparse, consisting mostly of pondweed fennel (Potamogeton pectinatus ), lower pond ( Potamogeton pusillus ), the opposite leaf algae ( Groenlandia densa ) and air-crowfoot ( Ranunculus spp. ). On neutral soil around the reservoir, pepper-saxifrage (Sigma silaus), burnet-saxifrage ( Pimpinella saxifraga ) and the scabious-bit devil ( succisa pratensis ) occurs, and on calcareous soil such as hemp nymph ( Linum catharticum ), dwarf thistle ( Cirsium acaule ) and salad burnet (sub-section of Sanguisorba minor minor ) found.

Small and medium fields around the lake are generally limited by hedges and occasionally by tree belts and forests, some of which come from the clearest period of previous open field enclosures that occurred at the end of the medieval period. The adult oak tree ( Quercus ) and the ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) are the regional characteristics with the Scottish pine group ( Pinus sylvestris ) and chestnut ( Castanea sativa ). Many elm trees ( Ulmus ) have been lost in this area, and dead/dying trees are also seen in the surrounding landscape.

Four forest areas containing 157 trees have been planted by The Life for a Life Charity around the lake at the side of the Restaurant, for the remains of cremated loved ones to be placed under them. This forest contains Scottish pine ( Pinus sylvestris ), English oak ( Quercus robur ), rowan ( Sorbus aucuparia ) and silver birch ( Betula pendula ).

Chew Valley Lake Play Area | Playdale Playgrounds | Flickr

Spare time Edit

The lake is used for a variety of recreational activities.

Bird watching Edit

During 2005-2006, Bristol Water began to recover two artificial islands. It is intended to provide safe spawning and nesting places for a variety of wild birds. Permission to enter reservoir reservoirs and to use access roads, pathways and bird hide is available (at cost) only to members of the ornithological and naturalist societies recognized by Bristol Water. They can be obtained from Woodford Lodge and include the usage conditions imposed by the owner.

Sailing Edit

Chew Valley Lake Sailing Club has a sailing area, about 1.9 miles (3 km) long, to sail while walking. The lake is divided into two areas: a limited summer area available during the fishing season (mid-March to mid-October), and a full area that can be used throughout the winter and on Sunday afternoons. The sailing area is marked with small white buoy lines. The racemark is a red buoy with a flag, although a large inflatable mark is used for open events.

The club can serve more than a hundred boats and host major national events. Normal club racing has a fleet starting for the following side classes: Flying Fifteen (keelboat), Laser (dinghy), Solo (dinghy) and Topper (dinghy) as well as a flawed fleet that runs under the front page scheme of Portsmouth. Five slipways allow for an easy launch. Outside the water, clubhouse facilities include a large dressing room, hot showers, weekend hot meals, a bar and a terrace overlooking the lake. The club caters for the disabled with floor and lift facilities. The Royal Yachting Association sailing courses are held at clubs for members including race training, youth training, powerboat training, racing officer training as well as more informal training run in each fleet.

Fishing Edit

Seasonal fishing licenses in the afternoon and afternoon are available at Woodford Lodge. The restrictions imposed by Bristol Air mean that no fish are allowed from dams or rock embankments, sailing clubs, in front of the Stratford bird's nest, in front of picnic areas and in nature reserves. There are a fleet of 32 motor boats to rent for fishing.

CHEW VALLEY LAKE with DJI magic pro drone - YouTube

References Edit

8869. Chew Valley Lake, Somerset, England, UK Stock Photo ...

Bibliography Edit

  • Durham, I. & amp; M. (1991). Chew Magna and Chewing Valley in old photos . Redcliffe Press. ISBN: 978-1-872971-61-2.
  • Janes, Rowland (ed) (1987). Natural History of the Chewing Valley . Biografix. ISBN: 0-9545125-2-9. CS1 maint: Additional text: author list (link)
  • Rahtz, Phillip A.; Greenfield, Ernest (1978). Excavation at Chew Valley Lake, Somerset . Department of the Environment (successor to Ministry of Works) Books Office of Stationery ,. ISBN: 0-11-670560-4.

Chew Valley Waterfall Walk - YouTube

External links Edit

  • BBC: pictures and videos of Chew Valley Lake
  • Bristol Water Information on the Lake of the Goat Valley
  • CVL birdingÃ, - News of the latest bird sightings at Chew Valley Lake, with maps and photos
  • River Chew Site
  • Chew Valley Lake Sailing Club

Source of the article : Wikipedia
