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Dog ( Canis lupus familiaris ), which is the first and most common domestic animal, has played a role in many religious traditions.

Video Dogs in religion

Religion and culture

The entries below are arranged in alphabetical order.

Aztec Religion

Dogs have great religious and symbolic significance for the Aztecs in central Mexico. Some ancient burial sites for dogs have been found in Mexico. Xolotl, the Aztec god of death, is described as a dog-headed monster.

Chinese Tradition

The dog is one of 12 animals that are respected in Chinese astrology. The second day of Chinese New Year is considered to be the birthday of all dogs and Chinese people are often careful to be nice to dogs on that day.

Panhu is a dragon dog that turns into a man and marries a princess.


A dog is mentioned in Tobit deuterokanonika, faithfully accompanying Tobias, Tobit's son and Raphael's angel on their way.

Jesus told the story of poor Lazarus, whose wounds were licked by the street dogs. This has traditionally been seen as showing Lazarus's evil situation.

The Catholic Church recognizes Saint Roch (also called Saint Rocco), who lived at the beginning of the 14th century in France, as a patron saint of dogs. It is said that he caught the plague while doing charity work and went into the forest, expecting to die. There he befriends a dog licking his wound and feeds him, and he can recover. The feast of Saint Roch, 16 August, is celebrated in Bolivia as "the birthday of all dogs."

Saint Guinefort is the name given to a dog that receives local worship as a saint in a French temple from the 13th to the 20th century.

A black and white dog is sometimes used as an informal symbol of the Dominican order, monks nuns and nuns. This is derived from the Latin word: although the name of the actual order is the Friars Baptist (Ordus Praedicatorum-the order of preachers), commonly called the Dominicans (after St. Dominic, their founder): > Stick Domini in Latin means "dog/dog of God."

Ancient Egyptian Religion

Ancient Egyptians are often more associated with cats in the form of Bastet, but here too, dogs are found to have sacred roles and figures as important symbols in religious iconography.

Dogs are associated with Anubis, the head god of hell from hell. Sometimes during that period the Anubieion catacombs used in Saqqara saw the burial of dogs.

Greek Mythology

Dogs are closely related to Hecate in the Classical world. The sacred dog for Artemis and Ares. Cerberus is a three-faced guard dog from the Underworld. Laelaps are dogs in Greek mythology. When Zeus was a baby, a dog, known only as a "golden dog", was accused of protecting God's King in the future.


Dogs are worshiped as part of the five-day Tihar festival that falls sometime in November each year. The dog ( Shvan ) is also a vahana or mountain of the Hindu god Bhairava. Yudhishthira has approached paradise with his dog, therefore among many Hindus, the common belief is that caring for or adopting dogs can also open the way to heaven.


The majority of Sunni and Shiite jurists consider dogs to be ritually unclean. It is not uncommon to practice Muslims to have dogs as pets. They are viewed as scavengers.

In the UK, police tracking dogs are used with caution, and are not allowed to contact passengers, only their baggage. They were asked to wear leather dog shoes when looking for mosques or Muslim homes.

There are a number of traditions about Muhammad's attitude towards dogs. He said that dog companies, except as helpers in hunting, shepherding, and house protection, cancels some of the good deeds of a Muslim. On the other hand, he advocated goodness for dogs and other animals. Abu Hurayrah narrates that the prophet said:

"When a man walks he feels thirsty and goes down to the well, and drinks water from it.As out from there, he sees a dog gasping and eating mud over an excessive thirst. The man says, 'This (dog) is suffered the same problem as my problem. 'So, he (goes to the well), fills his shoes with water, catches him with his teeth and climbs and pours the dog.God thanks for his (good) deeds and forgives him. asked `` O Messenger of God! Is there any reward for us in serving (the) animal? He replied: `` Yes, there is a reward for serving every living creature.


In Judaism, Jewish law does not prohibit the act of keeping dogs and other pets. Jewish law requires that Jews feed dogs (and other animals they have) in their presence, and make arrangements to feed them before getting them. The Book of Exodus (22:31) includes the insistence "And ye shall be a saint unto me: ye shall eat no flesh which is torn of beasts in the field: ye shall cast it to the dogs" implying that dogs have an acceptable role in society Hebrew, and that God does not expect them to observe the dietary restrictions imposed on their human masters. The name of the Caleb Bible character is written in the same way as keleb (Hebrew: ??????? ?), Which means "dog" - written Hebrew does not have a vowel. The Bible was written centuries before the Hebrew diacritic was introduced, and thus there is no certain knowledge of how the name was uttered during the lifetime of man himself - leaving the possibility open that at that time there was no humiliation for the chief tribal leader to become named "Dog".


There is a temple in Isin, Mesopotamia, named ÃÆ' Â © -ur-gi7-ra translated as "dog house" Enlilbani, king of the First First Babylonian Dynasty Isin, commemorates the temple to the goddess Ninisina. Although there is a small amount of detail that is known about it, there is enough information to ensure that dog cults exist in this area. Typically, dogs are only associated with Sugar cult, but there is some information, such as the Enlilbani warning, to show that dogs are also important for the Ninisina cult, because Sugar is another goddess closely associated with Ninisina. More than 30 dog cemeteries, many dog ​​statues, and dog images were found when the area around this Ninisina temple was dug up. In the Sugar cult, the dog is used in an oath and is sometimes referred to as divinity.


At an archaeological excavation in the city of Philistine, Ashkelon, a very large dog cemetery was discovered in layers originating from when the city was part of the Persian Empire. Believed dogs may have a sacred role - however, the evidence for this is not conclusive.


In Zoroastrianism, dogs are regarded as being very good, clean and true, who must be fed and taken care of. The dog is praised for its useful work in the household, but the dog is also seen to have special spiritual virtues. The dog's gaze is considered to purify and repel daevas (demons). It is also believed to have a special relationship with the afterlife: The Chinwad Bridge to Heaven is said to be guarded by dogs in the Zoroastrian scriptures, and dogs are traditionally fed to commemorate death. Ihtiram-i sag , "honoring dogs", is a common command among the Zoroastrian Iranian villagers.

Detailed recipes for appropriate dog care can be found in the Vendidad (the division of the Zoroastrian Avesta scriptures), particularly in chapters 13, 14 and 15, where severe penalties are imposed for crimes inflicted on dogs and the faithful are required to assist dogs, or wild, in various ways; often, help or harm the dog equated with the help and endanger the human. The killing of dogs ("sheep dogs, or house dogs, or Vohunazga dogs [eg., Or trained dogs"] is thought to cause a curse in the afterlife. A homeowner is required to care for a pregnant dog that is near his house at least until the puppies are born (and in some cases until the puppies are big enough to take care of themselves, ie six months). If the landlord does not help the dog and the puppies become corrupted, "he will pay him the punishment for deliberate killing", because "Atar (Fire), son of Ahura Mazda, also noticed (more than one pregnant dog) as he did upon a women ". It is also a big sin if a man hurt a dog by giving him a bone that is too hard and stuck in his throat, or a food that is too hot, so he burns his throat. Giving bad food to dogs is just as bad as serving bad food to humans. Believers are required to keep a dog with a faulty sense of smell, to try to heal it "in the same way as they did for a faithful" and, if they fail, to bind it do not fall. into holes or bodies of water and harmed.

Both according to Vendidad and in traditional Zoroastrian practices, dogs are given some funeral ceremonies that are analogous to humans. In the Vendidad, it was stated that the spirits of a thousand dead dogs were reincarnated in a beaver ("water dog"), the killing of a beaver was a terrible crime that brought drought and famine upon the land and had to be redeemed. either by the death of the killer or by the killer doing a very long list of deeds that are considered pious, including healing dogs, raising puppies, paying fines to pastors, and killing animals that are considered harmful and unholy (cats, rats, rats and various species of reptiles, amphibians, and insects).

Sagdid is a funeral where a dog is taken to a room where the body lies so it can be seen above it. "Sagdid" means "dog view" in the Central Persian language of Zoroastrian theology. There are various spiritual benefits that are expected to be obtained through the ceremony. It is believed that the original purpose was to make sure that the person was really dead, because the sharper senses of the dog would be able to detect the signs of life that may be missed by humans. The "four-eyed" dog, one with two points on his forehead, is preferred for sagdids.

Traditional rites involving dogs have been attacked by Zoroastrian reformers since the mid-19th century, and they have left them completely by the end of the 20th century. Even traditionalist Zoroastrians tend to limit such rites to a significant degree today (the late 20th century - early 21st century).

Maps Dogs in religion

Criticism of religion

Ancient Greek philosophers and critics of the social customs Diogenes of Sinope is recorded as living with many dogs, seeing their freedom from self-consciousness and sincere pleasures of simple physical pleasures to be an amazing role model.

In an article in Atheist New York Times Magazine, Natalie Angier quotes Frans de Waal, a primate expert at Emory University:

"I think that much of what philosophers call moral sentiments can be seen in other species.On chimpanzees and other animals, you see examples of sympathy, empathy, reciprocity, willingness to follow social rules. a good example of species that have and adhere to social rules, that's why we like it so much, even though they are big carnivores. "

In 1808 the English poet Lord Byron expressed a similar thought in his famous poem Epitaph to a Dog:

But the poor dog, in the life of the most powerful friend,
The first welcome, especially to maintain,
The honest heart is still his own master,
Who works, fight, live, breathe for him alone,
Unhonored falls, unknown to all its value,
Rejected in the heaven of the soul he holds on earth -
While humans, insects are in vain! hoping to be forgiven,
And claiming itself as a single exclusive paradise.

Religion, Sex & Politics: Soi Dog Days

See also

Dogs Dress Up In Honor Of 'San Lázaro,' Religious Tradition In ...


Source of the article : Wikipedia
