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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Causes, preventive measures ...

Sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ), also known as cot death or crib death , is a sudden death that does not can be explained. a child less than one year of age. Diagnosis requires death to remain unexplained even after a thorough autopsy and detailed investigation of the death scene. SIDS usually occurs during sleep. Usually death occurs between the hours of 00:00 and 09:00. There is usually no evidence of struggle and no sound is produced.

The exact cause of SIDS is unknown. The need for a combination of factors including underlying underlying vulnerabilities, specific time in development, and environmental stressors has been proposed. These environmental stressors may include sleeping on the abdomen or sides, overheating, and exposure to tobacco smoke. Unintentional paralysis of sharing a bed (also known as co-sleep) or soft objects can also play a role. Another risk factor was born before 39 weeks' gestation. SIDS makes up about 80% of sudden and unexpected baby deaths (SUIDs). Other causes include infection, genetic disorders, and heart problems. While child abuse in the form of accidental felon can be misdiagnosed as SIDS, it is believed to make up less than 5% of cases.

The most effective method to reduce the risk of SIDS is to place a child less than a year on his back to sleep. Other measures include a firm mattress separate from but close to the nanny, no loose bed, a relatively cold sleeping environment, using a pacifier, and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke. Breastfeeding and immunization can also be preventive. Unproven sizes are useful including baby positioning and monitoring devices. Evidence is not enough for fan use. The support of sadness for families affected by SIDS is important, because infant death is sudden, without witness, and is often associated with investigations.

The rate of SIDS varies almost tenfold in developed countries from one in one thousand and one in ten thousand. Globally it resulted in about 19,200 deaths by 2015 down from 22,000 deaths in 1990. SIDS is the third leading cause of death in children less than one year in the United States in 2011. It is the most common cause of death between one month and age one year. Approximately 90% of cases occur before the age of six months, with the most common between two months and four months. This is more common in boys than girls.

Video Sudden infant death syndrome


SIDS is an exclusion diagnosis and should be applied only to cases where sudden and unexpected infant deaths, and remain unexplained after adequate postmortem inquiry performance, including:

  1. an autopsy (by an experienced pediatric pathologist, if possible);
  2. investigating the scene of death and circumstances of death;
  3. exploring medical history of infants and families.

After investigation, some of these infant deaths were found to be caused by accidental shortness of breath, hyperthermia or hypothermia, neglect or some other cause.

Australia and New Zealand shifted to the term "sudden unexpected death in infancy" (SUDI) for professional, scientific and coronal clarity.

The term SUDI is now often used rather than sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) because some coroners prefer to use the term 'unspecified' for deaths previously thought to be SIDS. This change causes a diagnostic shift in death data.

In addition, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently proposed that such deaths be called "sudden infant death unexpectedly" (SUID) and that SIDS is part of the SUID.


SIDS has a 4-parameter lognormal age distribution that protects the baby shortly after birth - the maximum risk for almost all other non-traumatic deaths.

By definition, SIDS deaths occur under one year of age, with peak incidence occurring when infants at 2 to 4 months of age. This is considered a critical period because the baby's ability to wake from sleep is immature.

Maps Sudden infant death syndrome

Risk factors

The cause of SIDS is unknown. Although studies have identified risk factors for SIDS, such as putting babies into beds on their stomachs, there is little understanding of the biological processes of the syndrome or potential causes. The frequency of SIDS appears to be influenced by social, economic, and cultural factors, such as maternal, racial or ethnic education, and poverty. SIDS is believed to occur when an infant with an underlying biological susceptibility, which is at an age of critical development, is exposed to an external trigger. The following risk factors generally contribute either to an underlying biological vulnerability or an external trigger:

Tobacco smoke

SIDS rates are higher for infants of mothers who smoke during pregnancy. SIDS is correlated with nicotine levels and derivatives in infants. Nicotine and its derivatives cause significant changes in the development of the fetal nerve.


Placing the baby to sleep while lying on his stomach or side increases his risks. The increased risk is greatest at the age of two to three months. Increasing or decreasing room temperature also increases the risk, such as excessive bedding, clothing, soft sleep surfaces, and stuffed animals. Bumper pads can increase the risk of SIDS because of the risk of suffocation. They are not recommended for children under one year of age because the risk of suffocation is much greater than the risk of bumping into the head or limbs trapped in the crib grip.

Sharing a bed with a parent or sibling increases the risk of SIDS. This risk is greatest in the first three months of life, when the mattress is soft, when one or more people share a crib, especially when the partner bed uses drugs or alcohol or smoking. However, the risk persists in parents who do not smoke or use drugs. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends "sharing space without sharing a bed", suggesting that such arrangements can reduce the risk of SIDS by up to 50%. In addition, the Academy recommends that devices that are marketed to make "safe" share a bed, such as sleeping together in bed.


Breastfeeding is associated with a lower risk of SIDS. It is not clear whether co-sleeping among breastfeeding mothers without other risk factors increases the risk of SIDS.

Pregnancy and infant factors

SIDS rates decline with age, with teenage mothers at greatest risk. Delayed or inadequate prenatal care also increases the risk. Low birth weight is a significant risk factor. In the United States 1995-1998, the SIDS mortality rate for infants weighing 1000-1499 g was 2.89/1000, whereas for birth weight 3500-3999 g, it was only 0.51/1000. Premature birth increased the risk of SIDS death by about four fold. From 1995 to 1998, the rate of US SIDS for birth at 37-39 weeks' gestation was 0.73/1000, whereas the rate of SIDS for delivery at 28-31 weeks gestation was 2.39/1000.

Anemia has also been linked to SIDS (note, however, that as per item 6 in the list of epidemiological characteristics below, the level of anemia can not be evaluated on autopsy because total infant hemoglobin can only be measured for life. Incidence of SIDS increases from zero at birth, highest from age 2 to 4 months, and decreases to zero after the first year of the baby. Male infants have a risk of SIDS ~ 50% higher than girls.


Genetics plays a role, because SIDS is more prevalent in men. There is a consistent 50% male excess in SIDS per 1000 live births of each sex. Given the 5% excess male birth rate, there appeared to be 3.15 cases of male SIDS per 2 females, for the male fraction 0.61. This value of 61% in the US is on average 57% of black male SIDS, 62.2% of white male SIDS and 59.4% for all other races combined. Note that when multiracial breeds are involved, infant races are assigned to one category or another; most often it is chosen by the mother. The X-linkage hypothesis for SIDS and male excess in infant mortality has shown that 50% of male excess can be associated with a X-linked dominant allele, occurring with a frequency of 1 / 3 which protects transient cerebral anoxia. Unprotected males will appear with a frequency of 2 / 3 and unprotected women will occur with a frequency of 4 / 9 .

About 10 to 20% of cases of SIDS are believed to be caused by channelopathies, which are congenital defects in ion channels that play an important role in cardiac contraction.


Drinking alcohol by parents associated with SIDS. One study found a positive correlation between the two during New Year and weekend celebrations. Others found that alcohol use disorders were associated with more than two risks.


There is a temporary relationship with Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli .

Vaccination does not increase the risk of SIDS; on the contrary, they are associated with a 50% lower risk of SIDS.

A 1998 report found that compounds containing antimony and phosphorus used as fire retardants in PVC and other infant mattress materials were not the cause of SIDS. The report also states that toxic gases can not be produced from antimony in mattresses and that babies suffer from SIDS on mattresses that do not contain such compounds.

A set of risk factors for SIDS has been identified with: seasons: maximum winter, minimum summer; raising the rate of SIDS with a live birth order; low risk of SIDS in subsequent SIDS siblings; Life-threatening events (ALTE) are not a risk factor for subsequent SIDS; The biggest risk of SIDS during sleep.

Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Higher in Premature Infants

Differential diagnosis

Some conditions that are often undiagnosed and may be confusing or comorbid with SIDS include:

  • medium-chain acyl-coenzyme Lack of dehydrogenase (MCAD deficiency);
  • baby botulism;
  • long QT syndrome (accounting for less than 2% of cases);
  • Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection;
  • shaken baby syndrome and other forms of child abuse;
  • overlay, strangulation of the child during sleep of the guard

For example, babies with MCAD deficiency may die of "classic SIDS" if found to be awkward and prone to a closed head in an overheated room where parents smoke. Genes that show susceptibility to MCAD and Long QT syndromes do not protect babies from classic SIDS deaths. Therefore, the presence of a susceptibility gene, such as for MCAD, means the baby may have died either from SIDS or from MCAD deficiency. It is currently impossible for pathologists to distinguish between them.

A 2010 study looked at 554 baby autopsies in North Carolina who enrolled SIDS as the cause of death, and stated that many of these deaths may be caused by unintentional suffocation. The study found that 69% of autopsies listed other risk factors that might cause death, such as unsafe beds or sleeping with adults.

Several examples of infanticide have been found where the initial diagnosis of SIDS. The estimated percentage of actual SIDS deaths for infanticide vary from less than 1% to 5% of cases.

Some people have underestimated the risk of two SIDS deaths that occurred in the same family and the Royal Statistical Society issued a media release denying this expert testimony in one British case where the ruling was later canceled.

Cardiac Genetic Predisposition in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ...


A number of measures have been shown to be effective in preventing SIDS including altering sleeping, breast-feeding, soft bed restrictions, infant immunization and using a pacifier. Use of electronic monitors has not been found useful as a prevention strategy. The effects that fans may have on the risk of SIDS have not been well enough studied to make recommendations about them. Evidence of nappy is unclear about SIDS. A 2016 review found temporary evidence that nappies increase the risk of SIDS, especially among babies placed on their stomachs or on their sleeping sides.

Sleeping Position

Sleeping in the back has been found to reduce the risk of SIDS. Therefore, it is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and promoted as best practice by the US "Safe for Sleep" National Health of Human Health and Human Development (NICHD) campaign. The incidence of SIDS has fallen in a number of countries where this recommendation has been widely adopted. Sleeping on the back does not seem to increase the risk of choking even in those with gastroesophageal reflux disease. While the baby in this position can sleep lighter, this is not dangerous. Sharing the same room with a person's parents but in a different bed can reduce the risk by half.


The use of a pacifier seems to reduce the risk of SIDS even though the reasons are not clear. The American Academy of Pediatrics considers the use of pacifiers to prevent SIDS from making sense. Dot does not seem to affect breastfeeding in the first four months, although this is a common misconception.


Product safety experts recommend not using pillows, soft mattresses, sleeping positioning, bumper pads, animal dolls or feathery beds in the crib and recommend putting a warm sweater on the child and keeping the "naked" baby bed.

Blankets or other garments should not be placed on the baby's head.


In colder environments where beds are needed to maintain the baby's body temperature, the use of "baby's sleeping bag" or "sleep sack" is becoming more popular. It is a soft bag with a hole for the arm and baby's head. The zipper allows the bag to close around the baby. A study published in the European Journal of Pediatrics in August 1998 has demonstrated the protective effect of a sleeping sack as reducing the incidence of turning from back to front while sleeping, strengthening putting the baby to sleep on his back. for placement into the sleeping sack and preventing the sheet covering the face which causes the increase in temperature and rebreat of carbon dioxide. They concluded in their study, "The use of sleeping sacks should be promoted specifically for infants with low birth weight." The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends them as a type of bed that warms the baby without covering its head.


A major investigation into the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination and potential SIDS association by the Berlin School of Public Health, Charità ©  © - UniversitÃÆ'¤tsmedizin Berlin concluded: "Increasing the coverage of DTP immunization is associated with decreasing SIDS death.Recent recommendations on timely DTP immunization should do." emphasized to prevent not only specific infectious diseases but also potentially SIDS. "

Many other studies have also reached the conclusion that vaccination reduces the risk of SIDS. Studies generally show that the risk of SIDS is about half that of vaccination.

Hazardous cosleeping environments and risk factors amenable to ...


Families affected by SIDS should be offered emotional support and grief counseling. The experiences and manifestations of sadness due to baby loss are influenced by cultural and individual differences.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: The REAL Causes | The Health Coach


Globally SIDS generated about 22,000 deaths in 2010, down from 30,000 deaths in 1990. Prices vary significantly by the population from 0.05 per 1,000 in Hong Kong to 6.7 per 1,000 in American Indians.

SIDS is responsible for 0.54 deaths per 1,000 live births in the US in 2005. It is responsible for far fewer deaths than congenital disorders and shorts-related disorders, although it is the leading cause of death in healthy infants after one month of age.

SIDS deaths in the US declined from 4,895 in 1992 to 2,247 in 2004. However, during the same period of time, 1989 to 2004, SIDS listed as the cause of death for sudden infant death (SID) decreased from 80% to 55%. According to John Kattwinkel, president of the Center for Special Prevention of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on SIDS "Many of us are concerned that levels (SIDS) do not decrease significantly, but much of it is just code transfer".


By 2013, there is an ongoing gap in SIDS deaths among racial and ethnic groups in the US. In 2009, the mortality rate ranged from 20.3 per 100,000 live births to Asia/Pacific Islands to 119.2 per 100,000 live births to American/Alaskan Native Indians. African American babies have a 24% greater risk of having SIDS-related deaths and 2.5 incidents of SIDS greater than in Caucasian babies. Price per 100,000 live births and allows more accurate comparison across groups with different total population sizes.

Research shows that factors that contribute more directly to SIDS risk - maternal age, smoking exposure, safe sleep practices, etc. - vary by racial and ethnic groups and therefore the risk exposure also varies by these groups. Risk factors associated with sleeping African family vulnerable patterns include maternal age, household poverty index, rural/urban status of residence, and infant age. More than 50% of African American babies are placed in an unacceptable sleeping position according to a study completed in South Carolina. Cultural factors can be both protective and problematic.

The rate per 1000 births varies in different ethnic groups in the United States:

  • Central and South America: 0.20
  • The Asia/Pacific population: 0.28
  • Mexicans: 0.24
  • Puerto Rico: 0.53
  • White: 0,51
  • African Americans: 1.08
  • American Indian: 1,24

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness (SIDS) Month | Smart Start

Society and culture

Most media portrayals of infants show them in an unacceptable sleeping position.

The Evolving Understanding of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death

See also

  • Newborn care and security
  • Unexpected sudden death syndrome
  • Unexplained sudden death in childhood

Sudden Infant Death | Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: The REAL Causes | The Health Coach

Further reading

  • Ottaviani, G. (2014). Crib death - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Sudden infant and perinatal death: the viewpoint of pathologist . Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-08346-9.
  • Joan Hodgman; Toke Hoppenbrouwers (2004). SIDS . Calabasas, Calif: Monte Nido Press. ISBN: 0-9742663-0-2.
  • Lewak N. "Book Review: SIDS". Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med . 158 (4): 405. doi: 10.1001/archpedi.158.4.405. Archived from the original on October 17, 2008.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness (SIDS) Month | Smart Start

External links

  • SIDS in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
  • "Baby's Sudden Infant Sudden and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome". Data and Statistics . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Retrieved March 26, 2017 .

Source of the article : Wikipedia
