Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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The International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes ...

The International Code of Breast-Replacement Marketing (also known as WHO Code) is an international health policy framework for breastfeeding promotion adopted by the World Health Organization (WHA) World Health Organization (WHO) in 1981. This code was developed as a global public health strategy and recommends restrictions on the marketing of breastmilk substitutes, such as infant formula, to ensure that mothers are not discouraged from breastfeeding and that substitutes are used safely if necessary. The Code also includes ethical considerations and rules for the marketing of bottles and teats of milk. A number of subsequent WHA resolutions further clarify or extend certain provisions of the Code.

Since 1981, 84 countries have enacted laws that implement all or more of the provisions of the Code of Ethics and the next related WHA resolution.

Video International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes


The Code aims to protect breastfeeding from commercial promotions that affect mothers, health workers and the health care system. The codes and resolutions also contain specific terms and recommendations relating to labeling of infant formula and other breastmilk substitutes.

i. Mothers
  • Information and educational materials about infant and young child feeding should be objective and consistent and emphasize the importance of breastfeeding. In no event shall the material not necessarily refer to the brand name of a product.
  • All advertising forms and product promotions are prohibited.
  • Mothers should not be given free product samples.
  • Promotional devices such as discounts and special exhibitions at the retail level are prohibited.
  • A company representative may not initiate direct or indirect contact with the mother.
  • The health risks in falsely fed or exclusively breastfed infants should be highlighted through proper labeling and warning.
ii. Health worker
  • This code gives the health worker the responsibility to encourage and protect breastfeeding.
  • Product-related materials provided to healthcare professionals by manufacturers and distributors should be limited to 'scientific and factual' matters. They should not be a tool to promote product usage.
  • Product samples can be provided only where necessary for professional or institutional evaluation or research. In no case should this sample be forwarded to the mother.
  • In order to prevent conflicts of interest, producers and distributors may not provide material or financial coercion to health workers. Three WHA resolutions on the nutrition of infants and young children after the adoption of the Code of Ethics specifically warn against conflicts of interest. Resolution 1996 (resolution WHA 49.15) calls for caution in receiving financial support for health professionals working in infant and young child health that may create a conflict of interest. The need to avoid conflicts of interest was expanded in 2005 (WHA resolution 58.32) to cover infant and youth health programs and was reaffirmed in 2008 (WHA resolution 61.20).
iii. Health care system
  • Promotion of any product is prohibited in health care facilities. This includes product displays, placards and posters about the product and the distribution of materials provided by manufacturers and distributors.
  • Formula feeding should be presented only to mothers or family members who need to use it and the information provided should include a clear explanation of the risks of formula feeding and the hazards of inappropriate product use.
  • Supplies and donated materials may not refer to the product brand names.
  • Free Inventory: The next two resolutions (WHA 39.28 [1986] and WHA 47.5 [1994]) effectively call for an end to all free or cheap supplies for any part of the health care system. Therefore, manufacturers and distributors are prohibited from providing products to health care facilities free of charge or at low cost. (According to guidelines under the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, 'low cost' â € <â €
iv. Labeling
  • Information about labels for infant formula should be simple and easy to understand in the right language.
  • The baby formula label should contain a statement about the superiority of breastfeeding and that the product should only be used after consultation with a healthcare professional.
  • Images or texts that idealize the use of infant formulas and certain words, such as "human" or "materialized" or similar terms may not be used.
  • Nutritional and health claims on labels for breastmilk substitutes should not be allowed unless permitted by national law (WHA resolution 58.32 [2005]).
  • Labels must contain explicit warnings on labels to inform consumers about the risk of contamination of powdered formulas with pathogenic microorganisms (WHA resolution 58.32 [2005]).
  • Labels must comply with WHO/FAO guidelines on the preparation, storage and handling of safe powder baby formula (WHA resolution 61.20 [2008]).

In line with recommendations for exclusive breastfeeding in resolution WHA 54.2 [2001], all complementary foods should be labeled suitable for use by infants from six months and not earlier.

Maps International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes


The baby food industry has been the subject of sharp criticism from non-governmental organizations, international agencies and campaign groups for failing to comply with the Code. One of the world's largest food and beverage producers, the Swiss giant NestlÃÆ'Â ©, has been the target of an international boycott campaign since 1977 for milk substitute marketing practices before and since the development of the Code (see NestlÃÆ'Â © boycott). ).

By itself, the International Code can not be legally enforced. The Company is only subject to legal sanctions for failing to comply with the Code where it has been incorporated into the legislature of the nation state. Many countries have fully or partly adopted the Code as law. Other countries have no law on the marketing of baby food at all.

Code violations by baby food manufacturers are still widespread, especially (but not exclusively) in countries that have not implemented the Code as a national measure or where their monitoring and enforcement is weak. WHO, the International Baby Food Service Network (IBFAN), UNICEF, Save the Children and other international organizations are monitoring the implementation of the Code worldwide independently and with the government.

News - Helen Keller International - ARCH

See also

  • Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
  • Breastfeeding promotions

Protest over Nestle baby milk promotion at Leicester festival ...


Marketing breast milk substitutes: problems and perils throughout ...

External links

  • Full Code in English (PDF)
  • International Baby Food Action Network
  • Baby Milk Action (English)
  • Baby Nahrung (Germany)
  • Breaking the Rules, Stretching Rules, International Baby Food Action Network, 2004 and 2007
  • ibfan (spanish)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
