Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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The Cook Islands culture reflects the traditions of fifteen islands as a Polynesian island nation, spread over 1,800,000 square kilometers (690,000 sqc, mi) in the South Pacific Ocean. It is a free association with New Zealand. Its tradition is based on the influence of those who settled on the island for several centuries. The Polynesians of Tahiti settled in the Cook Islands in the 6th century. The Portuguese captain, Pedro Fernandes de QueirÃÆ'³s, made the first European landings recorded on the islands in the early 17th century, and over a hundred years later, in the 18th century, British navigator Captain James Cook arrived, giving the islands their current name. Missionaries developed a written language, bringing schools and Christians to the Cook Islands in the early 19th century. Cook Islands M? Ori, also known as M? Ori K'ki '? Irani or Rarotongan, is the official language of the country.

The Cook Islands Government's Cultural Division supports, kills, and guards the country's national heritage. One of the most popular traditional dances in the Cook Islands is Ura , a sacred ritual usually performed by a woman who moves her body to tell a story, accompanied by an intense drum by at least five drummers. The crafts of locals can be seen in dresses, sarongs, and jewelry made with local products, such as shellfish, and an important practice among women is tivaevae, a quilting type. Typical dishes consumed on Cook Island are fresh seafood such as octopus or shellfish, lamb or pork suck, and fresh fruit, especially coconut. Rugby union and bowling are popular sports, and the islands host the 1986 Pacific Cup and the 1998 Polynesian Cup. The House of Ariki ( Are Ariki ) offers dignity but limited power to ariki , the historical head of the social hierarchy of the islands.

Video Culture of the Cook Islands

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Polynesian settlers arrived from Tahiti in the 6th century. In 1606, the Portuguese captain, Pedro Fernandes de QueirÃÆ'³s, was the first recorded European to land on the islands. Captain Cook, who gave the islands their current name, arrived in 1773 and 1777. Missionaries from the early 1800s brought school and Christianity, and developed a written language.

Social hierarchy

The social hierarchy and bamboo in the Cook Islands are controlled by the tribal chief, typically between three and six per island. Every ariki is the master of ivi or ngati (tribe). The lower ranks of the nobility in the social hierarchy are mataiapo and rangatira (small tribal leaders). Head control, which can not be obtained or lost, is established by mana (power), originating from birth, achievement and status. However, the ariki with decreasing popularity can be considered less on mana , which can cause loss of social control.

Ariki controls Ariki , mataiapo and rangatira the title continues to be inherited through the family line, and related ancient ceremonies and traditions continue practiced in the present. The House of Ariki ( Are Ariki ), a parliamentary body in Cook Islands, was established in 1967. It consists of tribal chiefs, with limited powers.

Some women's organizations, such as the Cook Islands National Council of Women and the Cook Islands Business and Professional Women's Association, have difficulty separating themselves from national politics. The largest women's organizations, the Cook Islands Christian Church, Ekalesia Vainetini, Dorcas, National Catholic Women's League, and Women Harvesters, are affiliated with local churches.

Maps Culture of the Cook Islands

Mythology, superstition, and religion

Cook Islands mythology has in common with Polynesian myths and legends. Avaiki is known as the land of the gods and ancestors. Prominent figures include Avatea, Ina, Marama, Nganaoa, Papa, Rongo, Tangaroa, Vaitakere, Varima te takere, and Vatea. Belief in mystical powers by using spells and spells or purepure (see witchcraft) is passed down from generation to generation. Stories of the supernatural and the spirits are a common practice on the islands by people of all generations and are used to explain many more unusual events. I am woven into discussions about social relationships, property rights, and historic events. Spirit shelters exist on the islands, usually made by children who weave them from banana trunks.

Missionary, John Williams, was instrumental in converting Cook Islanders to Christianity. He brought two Tahitian missionaries to Aitutaki in 1821 that changed the island's population. The next group of Polynesian missionaries went to Mauke and Atiu, while Mitiaro followed the next in 1823. Williams had difficulty in changing the population in Rarotonga whose tribes were divided under ariki (head) and 'unga (pastor). Aaron Buzacott, a colleague of Congregationalist Williams, the central figure in missionary work of the London Missionary Society in the South Sea, lived in Rarotonga between 1828 and 1857. Takamoa Theological College, founded by Aaron Buzacott, trained priests in Cook Islands Christian Church, which is the nation's largest religious denomination.

Aitutaki. Cook Island. Polynesia. South Pacific Ocean. Food in ...

Language and literature

Cook Islands? Ori, officially named M? Ori K'ki '? Irani, also known as Rarotongan, is the official language of the country. There are some understandable dialects, spoken on fifteen islands. Rakahanga-Manihiki and Penrhyn are examples. The Cook Islands Maori Dictionary was finally published in 1995 and included language studies by Dr Jasper Base of the University of London (1957-1985), compilations of Raututi Taringa (1957-1959), and works of Advisory Committee established by Dr. Jasper Buse was founded in 1960. The Pukapukan was developed separately on the island of Pukapuka and considered by scholars as a different language.

Naming is a symbolic tradition of the Maori population on the island. The name establishes links not only to ancestors, ancestry, and friends, but also to titles and lands, as well as events and relationships. Dreaming or being created, name change is not limited to events, such as birth, marriage, and death, but can also occur in relation to bad omen. First names can be exchanged between men and women, while surnames may vary from person to person in the family unit.

Considering the relatively small size of the island, it has an important literary scene. Tuepokoina Utanga Morgan is credited with writing musical compositions and poetry and producing folk operas. Composer and poet Teate Makirere, who toured as a communications consultant at the Pacific Church Conference, has been praised for his secular writings. Paiere Mokoroa and Merota Ngamata are known for their writings about the culture of Atiu Island and Pukapuka, and Tingota Simiona wrote an extensive collection of stories based on the legend of Atiu Island. One of Cook's famous poet poets and poets is Mona Matepi, who produces the Mokopets television series of 52 episodes for children. There are also a number of popular songs and dramas from unknown artists, presented on television and radio, available on tapes and CDs. Radio programs on the islands are broadcast in native, English and Tahitian languages.

Why the Cook Islands Should be on Your Adventure-Travel Bucket List

Music and dance

Music from the Cook Islands is marked by heavy drums and ukuleles. The men do rah , which is equivalent to Hawaiian hula , locking their feet on the ground and keeping their shoulders steady. Drums are part of the ensemble. Performance groups include Cook Islands National Art Theater, Arorangi Dance Group, Betela Dance Group, Akirata Folk Dance, and Te Ivi Maori Culture Dance Group. Raro Records is a major specialist in music retailing on the islands.

The dance is performed in multicultural festivals. One of the most popular traditional dances of the Cook Islands is the Maori Ura , a sacred ritual usually performed by a woman who moves her body to tell a story, accompanied by an intense drum by at least 5 drummers. Moving the hips, legs and hands give different movements to the audience to tell the story, usually associated with natural scenery such as oceans and birds and flowers, but also feelings of love and sadness. The ura dance has three different components; ura pa'u (drum dance), korero (legend) and kaparima (action song). To perform ura, women usually wear skirts of and kikau (grass), with flowers and headbands and necklaces known as ei . Men during the dance are said to "vigorously flap their knees in a semi-squatting position while holding their upper bodies steady," and they usually wear skirts and headbands. The drum group, an integral part of Ura, usually consists of lead drummer ( pate taki ), leads support ( pate takirua ), double player ( tokere or pate akaoro ) plays a wooden gong, and two other players play drum skin ( pa'u and mango ). The travel writer, David Stanley, confirmed that the best performances of Ura were worn in Rarotonga.

A sexually known dance variant known in ura piani where male and female are involved in telling a story. Other variations include ura rore (stage dance), tairiri (fan dance), korare (spear dance), and ura rama (torch dance). Aside from Ura dance and its components such as coros and kaparima, there are several other musical genres and dances in Cook Islands including dance drama (tupuna), religious parade (nuku), formal singing (pe'e), celebratory singing (ute) and polyphonic choir music ('imene tapu). Like ura, this is also often accompanied by drums.

Rarotonga Island. Cook Island. Polynesia. South Pacific Ocean ...


Locals have developed their own style of clothing and jewelry, using local products, such as shellfish. Giving someone a claw necklace and placing it in the receiving neck is good intentions and love movements. They make a kind of sarong, called pareu, which are usually bright colors. Like other Melanesian islands like Fiji and Samoa, the Cook Islands are known for their hand-painted and silk-embroidered dresses. The important practice among women is tivaevae, a kind of quilting.

The islanders have many good sculptors, especially in the workshops of Michael Tavioni and Island Craft, the latter producing such items as spears and masks. Items are sold in places like Punanga Nui Market, Beachcomber Gallery and Bergman and Sons Crafts Store. The Kenwalls Gallery features paintings by local artists, and landscape artist Judith Kunzle sells his drawings and paintings in his home studio and several handicraft shops, some of which have been featured in various islands publications and postcards.

Cultural Village and Dancing - Cook Islands Travel Video Guide ...


Due to the island's location and the fact that the Cook Islands produce a significant variety of fruits and vegetables, natural local produce, especially coconut, has many dishes on the islands just like fresh seafood. Although most of the food is imported from New Zealand, there are several Peasant Associations, such as Mangaian, Ngatangiia, Penrhyn, Puaikura, and Rakahanga, which contribute to local cuisine. Typical local cuisine includes garut, kima, octopus, and taro, and spices such as fresh ginger, lime, lemon, basil, garlic and coconut. Rukau is a taro leaf dish cooked with coconut sauce and onions. Eating octopus is known locally as Eke , and the breastfed pig is known as Puaka . Ika mata is a dish of raw fish marinated with lemon or lime and served with coconut cream, while Pai Ika and Keke Ika also local fish fare. Poke is a dessert that can be made in one of two ways, both with bananas and coconut milk or with papaya. Soursop, oranges and mangoes are very popular as juices. Coconut water, local beer (Cooks Lager), and coffee are popular among Cook Islanders.

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Like in many other islands in the Pacific, Rugby Union is a popular sport. The Cook Islands national rugby union team began playing on the international stage in 1971. Sevens rugby is also played and has its own associations, such as netball, rugby, weightlifting and weightlifting, table tennis, Tae Kwon-Do, and volleyball. The Cook Islands Round Cup is the top division of the Cook Islands Football Association and plays at the National Stadium among other places.

Popular bowling, and the Cook Islands have at least six clubs including the Women's Bowling Club, the Parekura Men's Bowling Club, the Parekura Women's Bowling Club, and the Rarotonga Men's Bowling Club. The hotel is led by the Cook Islands Grass Bowling Federation, and Carnival Island Cookies Tour is held annually. There are also various badminton clubs, motorcycles, golf, racing, sailing, squash, and canoeing.

On a wider scale, Cook Islands Sports & amp; Olympic Association, Rarotonga Amateur Athletics Association, Tauvaine Sports & amp; The Cultural Association, and the Tupapa-Maraerena Sports Association are well-known associations. The Cook Islands Fishermen's Association, Cook Islands Fishing Sports Club, and Ngatangiia Fishermen Club support fishing enthusiasts. The country hosted the 1986 Pacific Cup and the 1998 Polynesian Cup.


Administration and preservation

Original antiques, defined as "genuine relics, articles with original ancient tools and in accordance with the original method, and all other items of historical or scientific value or interesting and related to the Cook Islands" are protected by the Cook Islands Amendment Act 1950 Cultural events are coordinated by the Cook Islands National Arts Council, established in 1985 by a Parliamentary Act. The administrative mechanisms are specifically oriented towards the promotion of the culture of the islands and the functioning Cultural Division. In the late 1980s, Prime Minister Geoffrey Henry, who was enthusiastic in promoting island culture, established monuments and also created the Ministry of Cultural Development, he supported it with financial resources. This activity received encouragement for the creation of expressive art, the influx of tourists to the island, and his knowledge was assimilated and adopted by the islanders in other regional cultures. The Ministry of Cultural Development Act of 1990 abolished the National Arts Council Act 1981-82 and provides for the preservation and improvement of the country's cultural heritage, the encouragement of cultural art forms, and the preservation of the unique national cultural identity of its people.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
