The capybara ( Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris ) is a native South American mammal. It is the largest rodent in the world similar to Saint Bernard. Also called chigÃÆ'¼ire , chigÃÆ'¼iro (in Colombia) and carpincho , it is a member of the genus Hydrochoerus , from that one the only remaining member is the lower capybara ( Hydrochoerus isthmius ). His close relatives include guinea pigs and rock kava, and that's further related to agouti, chinchilla, and coypu. The capybara inhabit savanna and dense forests and live near bodies of water. It is a very social species and can be found in groups of 100 individuals, but usually lives in groups of 10-20 individuals. The capybara is not a threatened species but is hunted for meat and hiding and also for fatty fatty skin fat, which is used in pharmaceutical trade.
Video Capybara
The name is generally derived from Tupi ka'apiÃÆ' Â »ara , complex agglutination kaÃÆ'¡ (leaves) pÃÆ'i (lean ) ÃÆ'º (eat) ara (suffix for noun agent), which means "people who eat lean leaves", or "grass eaters". The scientific name, both hydrochoerus and hydrochaeris , is derived from the Greek ???? ( hydor "water") and ?????? ( choiros "pig, pig").
Maps Capybara
Classification and filogeni
The capybara and lower capybara belong to the subfamily Hydrochoerinae along with the stone kava. The live capybaras and their extinct relatives were previously classified in their own Hydrochoeridae family. Since 2002, molecular phylogenetic studies have recognized the close relationship between Hydrochoerus and Kerodon , kava rocks, supporting the placement of both genera in the Caviidae subfamily. The paleontological classification has not included this new taxonomy and continues to use Hydrochoeridae for all capybaras, while using Hydrochoerinae for the living genus and its closest fossil relatives, such as Neochoerus . The fossil hydroquestines taxonomy is also in a state of flux. In recent years, the diversity of fossil hydrochoerines has decreased considerably. This is largely due to the recognition that the capybara molar teeth show a strong form variation during an individual's life. In one instance, the material once referred to four genera and seven species on the basis of molar form differences is now considered to represent individuals of different ages from one species, Cardiatherium paranense .
The capybara has a hard, barrel-shaped body and a short head, with reddish-brown fur on the upper part of its body that turns yellowish-brown beneath it. Her sweat glands can be found on the surface of her hairy parts, an unusual trait among rodents. The animal has no hair, and the guard hair is slightly different from the hair.
The adult capybaras grow up to 106 to 134 cm (3.48 to 4.40 ft) long, 50 to 62 cm (20 to 24 inches) in the withers, and typically weigh 35 to 66 kg (77 to 146 lb) average in llanos Venezuelan of 48.9 kg (108 pounds). Women are slightly heavier than men. The top recorded weight is 91 kg (201 pounds) for wild females from Brazil and 73.5 kg (162 lb) for wild men from Uruguay. Also an individual 81kg was reported at SÃÆ'Â £ Paulo in 2001 or 2002. The tooth formula is < span title = "lower lower teeth: Incisors.Canines.Premolars.Molars"> .. Capybaras has webbed feet and a vestigial tail. Their hind legs are slightly longer than their forelegs; they have three toes on the back foot and four toes on their front legs. Their muzzles are blunt, with nostrils, and eyes and ears are near the top of their heads.
The karyotype has 2n = 66 and FN = 102.
Capybaras is a semiaquatic mammal found in almost all countries in South America except Chile. They live in dense forest areas near water bodies, such as lakes, rivers, swamps, ponds, and swamps, as well as savannahs that flood and along rivers in tropical rainforests. Capybara has grown on a cattle ranch. They roam about at an average of 10 hectares (25 hectares) in high-density populations.
Many escapes from captivity can also be found in similar aquatic habitats around the world. Sightings are fairly common in Florida, although the breeding population has not been confirmed. In 2011, one specimen was found on the Central Coast of California.
Diet and predation
Capybaras are herbivores, grazing mainly on grasses and aquatic plants, as well as fruit and bark trees. They are very selective feeders and feed on the leaves of one species and ignore the other species that surround it. They eat more types of plants during the dry season, because fewer plants are available. As they eat grass during the rainy season, they must switch to more reeds during the dry season. Plants that eat capybaras during the summer lose their nutritional value in the winter, so it is not consumed at that time. Capybara jaw plugs are not perpendicular, so they chew food by grinding back and forth rather than side to side. Capybaras are autocoprophagous, meaning they eat their own impurities as a source of bacterial intestinal flora, to help digest cellulose in the grass that makes up their normal diet, and extract the maximum protein and vitamins from their diet. They may also spew food to chew again, similar to chewing gum by cattle. As with other rodents, the front teeth of the capybaras grow continuously to compensate for the constant wear of grass eating; Their cheek teeth also grow continuously.
Like the guinea pig family, capybara does not have the capacity to synthesize vitamin C, and capybaras that are not supplemented with vitamin C in captivity have been reported to develop gum disease as a sign of scurvy.
They can have an age of 8-10 years, but live less than four years in the wild, because they are "jaguar's favorite food, puma, ocelot, eagle, and caiman". The capybara is also the preferred prey of anaconda.
Social organization
Capybaras loves to be friends. Although sometimes they live secretly, they are more commonly found in groups of about 10-20 individuals, with two to four adult males, four to seven adult females, and the remaining teenagers. The Capybara group can consist of 50 or 100 people during the dry season when animals gather around the available water source. Men form a social bond, domination, or general group consensus. They can make barks like dogs when threatened or when women are shepherded young.
Capybaras has two types of aroma glands; a morillo (Spanish for "andiron"), is located on the muzzle, and the rectal gland. Both sexes have these glands, but men have much larger morillos and use their anal glands more often. Male anal glands are also coated with removable hair. This form of crystalline aroma secretion is coated on these hairs and is released when in contact with objects such as plants. These hairs have a more durable aroma mark and are tasted by other capybaras. Capybaras scent-mark by rubbing their morillos on objects, or by walking on scrubs and marking them with their anal glands. Capybaras can spread their scent further by urinating; However, women usually mark without urinating and marking less frequently than men as a whole. Women mark more frequent during the rainy season when they are in estrus. In addition to objects, males are also women who have a characteristic.
While in estrus, the fragrance of the woman changed subtly and the nearby male began to chase. In addition, a woman tells the man that she is on estrus by whistling through her nose. During mating, females have the advantage and the choice of mating. Capybaras marries only in water, and if a female does not want to marry a certain male, she will be submerged or leave the water. Dominant males are very protective of females, but they usually can not prevent some subordinates from copulating. The larger the group, the harder it is for men to watch all the females. Dominant men are significantly more married than their subordinates, but male subordinates, as a class, are responsible for more mating than each dominant male. The age of capybara sperm is longer than other rodents.
Capybara gestation is 130-150 days, and produces a litter of four younger average capybara, but can produce between one and eight in one litter. Birth is on land and women rejoin the group within hours of giving birth to new capybaras, who join the group as soon as they move. Within a week, children can eat grass, but continue to suckle - from any woman in the group - until weaned about 16 weeks. The young form a group in the main group. Alloparenting has been observed in this species. Breeding peak between April and May in Venezuela and between October and November in Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Although quite agile on land (capable of running as fast as a horse), capybaras are both at home in the water. They are excellent swimmers, and can remain completely submerged for up to five minutes, the ability they use to avoid predators. Capybaras can sleep in the water, just let their noses out of the water. As temperatures increase during the day, they wallow in water and then graze during the afternoon and evening. They also spend time wallowing in the mud. They rest around midnight and then continue to graze before dawn.
Conservation and human interaction
Capybaras is not considered an endangered species; Their population is stable in most parts of South America, although in some hunting areas it has reduced their numbers.
Capybaras are hunted for their flesh and feathers in some areas, and if not killed by humans who see their grazing as a competition for cattle. In some areas, they are planted, which has the effect of ensuring wetland habitat is protected. Their survival is aided by their ability to multiply quickly.
Capybaras has adapted well to urbanization in South America. They can be found in many areas in zoos and parks, and can live for 12 years in captivity. Capybaras are soft and usually allow humans to nourish and feed them, but physical contact is usually not recommended, as their ticks can be a vector of Rocky Mountain spotted fevers.
The European Zoo and Aquaria Association asked Drusillas Park in Alfriston, Sussex, England to store studbooks for capybaras, to monitor captive populations in Europe. This bookbook includes information about all births, deaths and capybaras movements, as well as how they are related.
Capybaras is cultivated for meat and skin in South America. Meat is considered unsuitable for eating in some areas, while in other areas it is considered an important source of protein. In parts of South America, especially in Venezuela, the meat of capybara is very popular during Lent and Holy Week because the Catholic Church has previously issued a special dispensation to allow it to be eaten while other meat is generally banned.
Although illegal in some states, capybaras are sometimes kept as pets in the United States.
Capybara image features on 2-peso coins from Uruguay.
In Japan, following in the footsteps of Izu Shaboten Park in 1982, several companies in Japan that increased capybaras have adopted the practice of making them relax in the onsen during the winter.
See also
- Josephoartigasia monesi , an extinct species identified as the largest rodent ever
- In treatment, see the Kurloff cell
External links
- Related data Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris on Wikispecies
- Definition of dictionary about capybara in Wiktionary
- Web Animal Diversity Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris
- Capybara information
Source of the article : Wikipedia