Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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The Boxer is a short, medium haired breed of dog, developed in Germany. The coat is smooth and tight; brown or bent color, with or without white, and white markings. Boxers are brachycephalic (they have a wide and short skull), have a square muzzle, a mandible prognatism (underbite), a very strong jaw, and a powerful bite ideal to rely on large prey. Boxer grew up from an old English Bulldog and a now extinct Bullenbeisser that became extinct with interbreeding instead of by the decadence of the breed. The purpose of crossbreeding is the desire to remove the excessive white color of this breed, and the necessity of generating thousands of dogs for one of the most popular races in the world. Boxer is part of the Molosser group. This group is a great breed of dog breeds, all of which descend from a common ancestor, a large shepherd dog known as Molossus. Boxer is a member of the Working Group.

The first Boxer Club was founded in 1895, with Boxers first exhibited in a dog show for St. Bernards in Munich the following year. Based on the 2013 Kennel Club Club stats, Boxers has remained the seventh most popular type of dog in the United States for four years in a row. However, according to the AKC website, the boxer is now the eighth most popular dog in the United States.

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The head is the most distinctive feature of Boxer. The breed standard suggests that it should be in perfect proportion to the body and above all it should not be too light. The greatest value is placed on the muzzle of true shape and in absolute proportion to the skull. The length of the muzzle to the entire head should be a ratio of 1: 3. The crease is always there from the root of the nose that flows down on both sides of the snout, and the tip of the nose should lie somewhat higher than its muzzle root. In addition the Boxer should be slightly prognathous, ie the lower jaw should stand out beyond the upper jaw and bend slightly upward in what is commonly called an underbite or "undershot bite".

Boxers are originally descended and cut off, and this is still done in some countries. However, due to pressure from veterinary associations, animal rights groups, and the general public, both cutting off ears and cutting off tails have been banned in many countries around the world. A boxer short-tailed boxer line (bobtail) Boxers was developed in England to anticipate a tailed-over ban there; after several generations of controlled breeding, these dogs were admitted to the Kennel Club (UK) registry in 1998, and today representatives of the bobtail line can be found in many countries around the world. However, in 2008 the FCI added "naturally-built tail" as a disqualifying error in their breed standard, meaning that Boxers born with tailed tails can no longer be displayed in FCI member countries. In the United States and Canada in 2012, cut ears are still more common in dog shows, although current cosmetic-planting practices are opposed by the American Veterinary Medical Association. In March 2005, the AKC breeding standard was changed to include descriptions of the non-cropped ear, but to punish unexploded tail weight. The boxer's tail is usually anchored before the cartilage is fully formed, between 3-5 days. This procedure does not require anesthesia or stitching when done at this young age.

Coat and color

Boxer is a short-haired breed, with shiny bristles attached tightly to the body. The known colors are yellowish brown and dappled, often with white and white belly on the legs. These white marks, called flash , often extend to the neck or face, and dogs that have these signs are known as "flashy". "Fawn" shows various colors, depictable tones such as light brown or yellow, reddish brown, mahogany or deer/red deer, and dark honey-blond. In England and Europe, Boxers deer are usually rich in color and are often called "reds". "Brindle" refers to a dog with black stripes on a yellowish brown background. Some of the striped fighter were so striped that they gave the appearance of a reversed bending, the brown lines on the black body; these dogs are conventionally called "turning streaks", but that's actually an irony - they still keep dogs with black stripes. In addition, the breed standard states that the deer's background should clearly contrast with or show through bullying.

Boxer tidak membawa gen untuk warna bulu hitam yang solid dan karenanya Boxers hitam ras tidak ada.

White Boxers

Boxers with white markings covering over a third of their coats - conventionally called "white" boxers - are not albino or rare; about 20-25% of all Boxers are born white. Genetically, these dogs are either yellowish or dappled brown, with excessive white markings on top of the base color of the mantle. Like white humans, white boxers have a higher risk of sunburn and associated skin cancer than colored boxers. The piebald extreme gene, which is responsible for the white markings on Boxers, is associated with innate sensorineural deafness in dogs. It is estimated that about 18% of white boxers are deaf in one or both ears, although the Boxer savior organization sees about twice that amount.

In the past, breeders often euthanized white puppies at birth. A 1998 study of Boxers in the Netherlands showed that 17% of Boxer puppies had been euthanized because they were white. Previously, the American Boxer Club "unofficially recommended euthanasia for these animals." The reasons for white puppy sleep include the unethical notion of selling a dog with "mistakes" and the perception that a higher-risk white boxer ends up being left in rescue. Today, breeders are increasingly reluctant to lull healthy puppies and may choose to be neutral and put them in a pet home instead.

Maps Boxer (dog)


The Boxer character is the most important and demands the most serious attention. He is famous from ancient times for his great love and loyalty to the master and his family. He is harmless in the family, but can not believe in strangers, intelligent and friendly temperament play, but bold and determined when aroused. Her intelligence and willingness, courtesy and cleanliness make her a desirable family dog ​​and a cheerful companion. He is a soul of honesty and loyalty, and is never wrong or dangerous even in his old age.

Boxer is a cheerful race, energetic and playful and tends to be very good with children. They are patient and eager with children but also protective, making them a popular choice for families. They are active and strong dogs and require sufficient practice to prevent behaviors associated with boredom such as chewing, digging, or licking. Boxers have earned a bit of a reputation as "stubborn," which can be attributed to inappropriate obedience training. Because of their intelligence and the characteristics of the work breed, training based on correction often has limited usefulness. Boxers, like other animals, typically respond better to positive reinforcement techniques such as clicker training, an approach based on operant conditioning and behaviorism, which offers the dog the opportunity to think independently and solve problems. The Stanley Coren survey of compliance coaches, summarized in his book The Dog Intelligence , ranked Boxers at # 48 - work intelligence/average obedience. Many who have worked with Boxers disagree with the results of Coren's survey, and maintain that a skilled trainer who uses a reward-based method will find Boxers have far superior intelligence and working abilities.

The Boxer by nature is not the type of aggressive or malignant. This is an instinctive trustee and can become very attached to his family. Like all dogs, it needs proper socialization. Boxers are generally patient with smaller dogs and puppies, but difficulties with larger adult dogs, especially those of the same sex, may occur. Boxers are generally more comfortable with friendships, whether in the form of a human or a dog.

Boxer (dog) - Wikipedia


Boxer is part of the Molosser dog group, developed in late 19th century Germany from the now extinct Bullenbeisser, the Mastiff descendant dog, and the Bulldog brought from England. Bullenbeisser has worked as a hunting dog for centuries, working in the pursuit of bears, wild pigs, and deer. His job is to grab the prey and hold it until the hunters arrive. In subsequent years, dogs were favored faster and the smaller Bullenbeisser grew up in Brabant, in northern Belgium. It is generally accepted that Brabanter Bullenbeisser is Boxer's immediate ancestor today. In 1894, three Germans named Friedrich Robert, Elard KÃÆ'¶nig, and R. HÃÆ'¶pner decided to stabilize this breed and place it in a dog show. This was done in Munich in 1896, and the year before they established the first Boxer Club, the Deutscher Boxer Club. The club went on to publish the standards of the first Boxer breed in 1904, a detailed document that has not changed much to this day.

This breed was introduced to other parts of Europe at the end of the 19th century and to the United States around the turn of the 20th century. The American Kennel Club (AKC) registered the first Boxer in 1904, and recognized the first Boxer champion, Dampf vom Dom, in 1915. During World War I Boxer was co-opted for military work, acting as a messenger dog valuable ones, pack carriers, attack dogs, and guard dogs. It was not until after World War II that Boxer became popular all over the world. Taken home by returning the army, they introduced the dog to a wider audience and soon became favorites as a companion, exhibit dog, and guard dog.

Early pedigree

The German, George Alt, a resident of Munich, marries a mottled French imported dog named Flora with an unknown local ancestor, known only as "Boxer" , produces a yellowish brown male, named "Lechner's Box" after the owner. The dog is mated with its own flora Flora , and one of the children is a female dog named Alt's Schecken . George Alt was married Schecken with a Bulldog named Dr. Nadaissen Tom to produce the historically important dog MÃÆ'¼hlbauer Flocki . Flocki is the first Boxer to enter the German Stud Book after winning the show for St. Bernards in Munich 1896, which was the first event to have a special class for Boxers.

White female dog Ch. Blanka von Angertor, Flocki's sister, was even more influential when married to Piccolo von Angertor (Lechner's Box grandson) to produce the parti-colored Para-colored Meta von der Passage, which, in fact, has little resemblance to the modern Boxer standard. (Initial photographs describe it as too long, weak-supported and faceless), considered the parent of the breed. John Wagner, in The Boxer (first published in 1939) says the following about this female dog:

Meta von der Passage plays the most important role of the original five ancestors. Our huge ranks all trail straight back to this lady. He is completely built, low to the ground, dappled and white parti-color, less underjaw and very lippy. As a woman who produces several in each type can match her notes. He consistently slaughtered the puppies of an extraordinary kind and rare quality. Her children are descended from Flock St. Salvator and Wotan dominate all the genealogies of today. Combined with Wotan and Mirzl children, they make Boxer.

Names of breed

The name "Boxer" is allegedly derived from his descent to play by standing on his hind legs and "boxing" with his front paws. According to Andrew H. Brace Pet owner guide for Boxer , this theory is the most unreasonable explanation. He claims "it is unlikely that a country impregnated with nationalism will give one of its most famous breeds a very clear name."

The German linguistic and historical evidence finds the earliest written source for Boxer in the 18th century, where it is found in the text in the Deutsches FremdwÃÆ'¶rterbuch ( German Dictionary of Foreign Words ), citing a writer named MusÃÆ'¤us 1782 writes "daÃÆ' a er aus Furcht vor dem groÃÆ'Ÿen Baxer Salmonet... sich auf einige Tage in ein gerÃÆ'¤umiges PackfaÃÆ'Ÿ... absentiret hatte". At that time the spelling "baxer" matches the "boxer". The two verbs (boxy [English "to the box, to punch, to pierce"]) and the noun ( Boxer ) are common German words as early as the end of the century -18. The term Boxl , also written Buxn or Buchsen in the Bavarian dialect, means "shorts (leather)" or "underwear". A very similar word-sounding Boxerl , also from the Bavarian dialect, is a catchy term for Boxer . More in keeping with historical facts, Brace states that there are many other theories to explain the origin of the breed name, from which it supports the smaller Bullenbeisser claim (Brabanter) also known as "Boxl" and that Boxer is just the word corruption.

In the same vein run the theory based on the fact that there is a group of dogs known as the Bierboxer in Munich at the time of breed development. These dogs are the result of a mixture of Bullenbeisser and other similar breeds. Beer Biergarten, a typical Munich Beergarden park, an open-air restaurant where ordinary people bring their dogs. The nickname "Deutscher Boxer" comes from bierboxer and Boxer can also be a corruption of the former or the last contraction.

A quote from The Complete Boxer by Milo G Denlinger states:

It has been claimed that the name "Boxer" is jokingly applied by a British traveler who notes the dog's tendency to use his claws in a fight. This does not seem likely. Such acts will most likely cause a broken or broken leg. On the other hand, a German rancher with forty years of experience positively states that Boxer does not use his legs, except to try and extinguish a small fire like a burning match. But Boxer does the box with his head. He will hit (not bite) a cat with his snout hard enough to knock him down and he will pack a ball with his nose. Or perhaps, since the German dictionary translates 'boxers' as 'prize fighters' the name is given in recognition of the quality of fighting of this breed rather than the technique.

Boxer is also the name of the dog owned by John Peerybingle , the main character in Charles Dickens's 1845 bestselling book The Cricket on the Hearth, that "Boxer" was generally used as a dog's name in the early 19th century, before the formation of the breed at the end of the same century.

The name of the breed can also be simply because the names of the first known specimens of the breed ( Lechner's Box , for example).

Boxer Dog Breed Information, Buying Advice, Photos and Facts ...


Leading health problems that Boxers are vulnerable include cancer, heart conditions such as aortic stenosis and right ventricular arithmogenic cardiomyopathy (called "cardiomyopathy"), hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, and degenerative myelopathy and epilepsy; Other conditions that can be seen are stomach gastric volvulus (also known as bloat), intestinal problems, and allergies (although this may be more related to diet than to proliferate). Entropion, a disorder of the eyelid that requires surgical correction, is sometimes seen, and some lines have a tendency towards deformans of spondylosis, fusing of the spine, or dystocia. Other less common conditions that occur more frequently in Boxers than other breeds are histiocytic ulcerative colitis (sometimes called Boxer colitis), invasive E. coli infections, and indolent corneal ulcers, often called Boxer ulcers.

Approximately 22% of puppies die before reaching the age of 7 weeks. Stillbirth is the most common cause of death, followed by infection. Infection deaths increased significantly with inbreeding increases.

According to the UK Kennel Club health survey, cancer accounts for 38.5% of Boxer deaths, followed by old age (21.5%), heart (6.9%) and gastrointestinal related problems (6.9%). These breeds are especially susceptible to mast cell tumors, cancer of the immune system. The average age is 10.25 years. Breeders are responsible for using available tests to screen their breeding stock before breeding, and in some cases throughout the dog's life, in an effort to minimize the occurrence of the disease in future generations.

Boxer is known to be very sensitive to the hypotensive and bradycardia effects of commonly used tranquilizers, acepromazine. It is recommended that such drugs be avoided in Boxer's offspring.

As an athletic breed, proper exercise and conditioning are essential for the sustainable health and longevity of Boxer. Care should be taken not to train too young dogs, as this can damage the growing bone; However, as adults, Boxers can be a very good jog or a friend who runs. Because their heads are brachycephalic, they do not do well with high heat or humidity, and common sense must prevail when exercising Boxer under these conditions.



Boxers are very energetic even in old age. They need lots of exercise which means their diets should be high-quality calories. The main sources of these calories are lean animal protein, which includes nonfat chickens, turkey, lamb, and fish.

Boxers are also susceptible to dental problems, increasing their susceptibility to bad breath; Large dry dog ​​foods and difficult to chew them increase the chances of removing plaque. The plaque can also be removed with coarse fibers in the kibble, which has a flexible structure that increases chewing time. Polyphosphates are often coated outside of dry dog ​​food, which further reduces plaque buildup by preventing the production of calcium in saliva. The smell of production from the boxer's mouth is likely to decrease if the teeth and oral cavity are kept in healthy condition.

Boxer Dog Breed Information, Buying Advice, Photos and Facts ...


Boxers is a friendly and lively friend who is popular as a family dog. Their suspicions of strangers, vigilance, agility, and strength make them a tough guard dog. As a puppy, Boxers demonstrates a stunning combination of expressions that reflect mood, energetic curiosity, flexible attention span, and charming characteristics. They occasionally appear in the dog's dexterity or dog obedience test and fly ball event. These powerful and intelligent animals have also been used as guard dogs, guide dogs for blind dogs, therapeutic dogs, police dogs in K9 units, and sometimes herding cattle or sheep. Versatile Boxers were recognized from the start by the military, who had used them as precious courier dogs, transported the carriers, and attacked and guarded dogs during the war.

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Boxer Dog Breed Information, Buying Advice, Photos and Facts ...

External links

  • Boxer in Curlie (based on DMOZ)

Source of the article : Wikipedia
